NOTE: I wasn't sure if I should have posted this here or in Video Section. NOTE: If anyone is good with video editing software, transitions, titles, ect. (and you want to help, please tell me.) I have decided to make a Forge Hub Community Montage. (if This has been done before tell me nicely.) This montage would consist of clips from the whole community. Everyone Gets a Chance to get some of the limelight . RULES: (read please) 1) Each person can only submit a total of 4 clips.(4 is not certain. just an estimate, if you feel it needs to be changed... feel free to Tell Me.) 2) Please do not submit clips of like a double kill with the BR. (aka, not very skilled kills.) 3) Upload the video's you want onto your file share. 4) Use this form and nothing else to submit your clip(s). Anything else will be dis-regarded. 5) Update: Who ever posts their clips on the thread... that will be how their are in the montage... First come first serve. ***UPDATE*** 6) Each Clip Cannot be over 1 Minute (60 Seconds Long) sorry if this can be an annoyance, But its a new rule and i think it makes it fair for everyone. (Space Wise) HOW IT WORKS: Use this Form: Gamer-tag: FileShare Link: Video(s) Name: Video(s) Rating: I.E. 5/10, 9/10 (Rate on Skill, or Luck, Or How Awesome The Kill Is.) Post that form on this topic, Or You can P.M. Me it. Keep in mind it doesn't matter how lucky or unskilled the clip is... just as long as its awesome Soon To Be F.A.Q. 1) Q. What Capture Device Are you using? A. Dazzle DVC 170 (this list will be added to as the ball rolls) Video Order List: zTo Norlinsky: 1) Video #1 2) Viedo #2 Teh Mastar 3) Sexy Tripple 4) Crazy Spike Nade 5) 1337 Double 6) OWNED double I Might add in your others near the end. Just don't forget to tell me
I have 2 entries right now. Also, I suggest we have mini-montages with like 5 players at a time so it isn't too run over 1) : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing 2) : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing I can edit later with 2 others
ok even though you didn't use the form... ill make an acception... from now on use the form... ill capture them ina bit... im making a montage teaser right now
Hurgh...Montages... Even if I did have some repetitively lame-ass video of me sticking people or sniping or getting an overkill or whatever, I wouldn't post this up to be made a mocery of.
I'd also like to point out that the order that people post their clips in will be the order that they come in the montage... first come first serve... im going to edit that in my first post.
These clips are of veeeeeery high quality, unique and pro GT: teh mastar Sexy Tripple Crazy Spike Nade 1337 Double OWNED double Extras that are definately worth adding =] damn 4 clip limit! ;D lol Amazing NoScope Hurdle Stick Double
OK, so im going to start downloading these and getting them to my computar. after we get like 25 clips or so ill start putting them all together.
***UPDATE*** Each Clip Cannot be over 1 Minute (60 Seconds Long) sorry if this can be an annoyance, But its a new rule and i think it makes it fair for everyone. (Space Wise) This has been added into the rules section.
amer-tag:Xanon FileShare Link:in my sig but, here anways, : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Share Video(s) Name:Randomade2kil,WOW!,2 4 1 snipe, killamanjaro,cool no-scope, intense capture Video(s) Rating: Randomnade2kil: 7 WOW!: 8 2 4 1 snipe: its also a no scope so a strong 8 killamanjaro: wasnt Grifball either, 7 cool no-scope: 7 intense capture: awesome, 7.5 over the limit I know. But since nobody is staying on topic ill add some more just to make the montage better. Hope it turns out great! Good luck
Gamer-tag:L1mac3 FileShare : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Share Video(s) Name: Sniped(slot 4), Video(s) Rating: 5~6/10 (lucky shot)
Gamer-tag:Thorax tehGREAT FileShare : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Video(s) Name:nvr named it Video(s) Rating: I.E. 6/10(it almost cool)
Gamer-tag:Thorax tehGREAT FileShare : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Video(s) Name:The Pit 001 Video(s) Rating:9/10 retarded Gamer-tag:Thorax tehGREAT FileShare : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Video(s) Name:Construct 001 Video(s) Rating:10/10 skill
Gamer-tag: zTo Norlinsky FileShare Link: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Share Video(s) Name: Crazy Headshots, Mongoose, Running Riot Video(s) Rating: 9/10(skill), 10/10(cool), 10/10(funny) I was thinking you could use the Running Riot one to start the video off, because it just seems like a clip that starts off a montage