People just sat there and WATCHED!? Alarming footage has been released showing a woman keel over and die in a hospital waiting room before lying face down on the floor for an hour as staff do nothing to help. Only when another patient calls for help does 49-year-old psych patient Esmin Green receive any medical attention at the Kings County Hospital in New York. The footage has been released by lawyers suing the hospital for negligence over the June 19 incident, the New York Daily News reports. They also allege medical staff then tried to falsify records surrounding the death which claim Green was awake and sitting up at a time when the video clearly shows her dead on the floor. Jamaica-born Green, who was taken to emergency for “agitation”, is seen keeling over at 5.32am, according the video’s time stamp. She is still lying on the floor at 5.53am when a security guard comes over and looks at her for around 20 seconds before walking off. Green then thrashes about on the floor, rolls onto her back, and at 6.08am, she stops moving altogether. A security guard pushes his chair into view at 6.10am and stares at Green, before moving away. Finally a female patient notices Green and resuscitation equipment is called. Hospital records say that at 6am Green was “awake, up and about, went to the bathroom”. At 6.20, she was supposedly “sitting quietly in [the] waiting room”. The two security guards and four other hospital staff have been fired over the incident. Green’s cause of death is not yet known. Kings County Hospital has been under investigation by US officials since a negligence suit was filed last year alleging a history of abuse of its mental health patients. by Ninemsn - Ignored woman dies on hospital floor Sorry, wasn't sure where to post. So I just posted here.
Ninemsn, its an Australian tv networks website. Its my homepage, it updates with news all the time, but i thought this was terrible.
Yeah i just saw this on the news... I guess she was trying to get a hospital bed for close to 48 hrs. Then another hour went by and she just collapsed and died... i saw the security video too.
Isn't the American Health Care System awesome? That's one of the reasons living in Canada is great: Free health care, and stuff like this generally DOESN'T happen up here.
roflroflroflroflroflrofl edit: i'm just kidding, i always laugh at people in hospitals because i spend so much time in them, so i'm allowed too. then i went back and read it, and its sad.
Simply despicable. I just can't see how any legitimate medical institute could do this. Isn't there something in the doctor's Hippocratic Oath about this? Oh yeah, rule #6: To keep the good of the patient as the highest priority. Where did this go? Are they so overloaded with medical emergencies that a dying woman must be left alone in the waiting room?! I'm just disgusted with the way people and society have become.
Not really sure what having Health care has to with this poor woman not getting medical attention, The same thing could have easily happen to someone who has Health care, The same as it can happen to someone without Health Care, But to not help someone that is clearly in need of medical attention is just down right inhumane.
Wow.. what the ****. How the hell can they just stand there and do nothing while she is dying on the floor.. this is just appauling
that's pretty crazy. there's this one GIF where these people are sitting down and some guy comes up and just shoots then and like other pedestrians just keep walking. idk the full story, but i mean come on. people are weird.
Shy, I'd say. They dont want to draw attention to themselves. So they go with the norm and let someone die, to avoid an awkward social situation.
I think all those people who worked there should be punished. That is just horrible. What has this world come to?!
there was a big argument about this on another forum i go to. the comments there were much more educated than all of your idiotic "omg wtf" replies. i had some things to say about it, but i dont care to type it all over again.