Now, the original ninja gaiden is considered to be one of the hardest games of all times by many gamers. They remade the same game about 3 times until they finally released the second one. This second game just came out for the 360 and it seems as though this game's just as cruel as its predecessor. In this thread, feel free to offer advice, share horror stories or accomplishments. I'll begin with my own story of fear. So, I start a game on the hardest difficulty (considering myself a veteran of the franchise) and am doing just fine, heck, I died less than 15 times by the time I reached level 5. Then it came: mission 7. Now at first glance it brought back memories of ninja gaiden with a whole "airship" theme to the level. Little did I know with these memories came a world of hurt. There were not only the hardest normal monster seen on this game up till this level, but they also introduced a whole lot of projectile spammers in this level as well. Then came the test of valor. To those of you who don't know what a test of valor is, a test of valor is an optional part of the game that is inhabited by anywhere from 50-150 monsters that spawn in succession until you kill them all. You only have your health and healing items to help you and there is no break between. This test of valor had lots of both the most difficult monster and the newly-acquired projectile spammers. I finish this with only (surprisingly) 6 deaths. Then I come to the end of this level. The end of the level begins with a tough boss. He doesn't have a whole lot of health nor is there a "trick" to beating him, but he hits for a lot of damage and penetrates your defenses. Finally after battling him, the airship crashes and you are pitted with another freakin' boss. I fought this sucker a ton. It kept killing me. Finally, I kill it. Little did I know it self-destructs at the end. Snap, I was right next to it... but at least now I know the trick to beating it. I fight it some more, it kills me a bunch, then finally, I kill it again. This time, I'm prepared, I run away as quickly as possible just to die by the same explosion again. I repeat this process several times till finally, I decide to try and block it. It worked! I mean, who'd have thought that a simple katana could block a massive explosion? Not I, apparently. Now, I have 45 deaths because of this one level it sucks, real bad... but, as always, I plan on beating this game on the hardest difficulty, so it's only gonna get harder.
well I myself haven't played ninja gaiden 2, but it looks really awesome. I watched my bro play the first ninja gaiden and the fighting is so fast paced and smooth flowing. This is definitely one of the best button mashing/combo making games there are. And i've heard about the extreme difficulty, and I read how your proud of 15 deaths which made me laugh because usually people would be like "wow I died 15 times?? that's terrible" in other games, but with ninja gaiden this is an acception. The new weapons looks sweet too, what is your favorite weapon?
I started on the hardest difficulty too (having completed the first one twice.) and I have to say the difficulty level is really inconstant as you go on especially in bosses, but its still brutally hard and I enjoy it for that good challenge.
Well, I've always been a fan of the double-katanas and I think that they're really great in this game, too. However, the eclipse scythe and falcon's talons are really great addtions, I find in this game I switch to virtually all my weapons for different scenarios. That is, all the weapons but the kusari-gama, which is useless in my opinion. @Roche Yeah, I've noticed that. I had no problem on several bosses, then they throw one or two in there to really make you go "well, ****, I guess I suck at this game." It's quite fun all in all.
Ahhh I loved the first one, yet I don't have enough money to get this one yet. My paycheck isn't in yet. But I did enjoy the first one much more than my friends did. They just didn't like it cause it was soooo hard, so they gave up and started raving about Devil May Cry, which isn't nearly as hard. But anyways, I beat the first game on well... I forgot how hard it goes but I think I beat it on the hardest (which was close to impossible). Anyways, I can't wait till I get playing this one. I've played the demo and it hasn't kicked my ass even once, but sadly I cannot choose a harder difficulty. Anyways, if you're a huge fan, check out this video. It's great. Awesome Gaiden
Yeah, it's definitely at least worth a rent. I bought it 'cause I plan on playing through it several times and getting all the achievements. (there's one for going through the game using only one weapon.) That's going to take quite a while.
in my opinion its looks good, i just dont care for it that much. i sorta played the demo but was just like ehh...good graphics though, i love Tokyo :]