This is a map me jorgecb565 and my friend GABIcooler recently did,this is just a map we did to entertain ourself. We first started thinking of something that could be stupid but funny and then we thought of a cage match. We lasted atleast 3hours making this map perfect, clean floor with no holes in between making it easy to move in. Anyways this map is just a very small example of what me jorgecb565 and my friend GABIcooler are capable of doing. We will continue doing more and more maps. By the way this is my first post so i wont post pictures, ( Cause i dont know how)SORRY FOR THE INCONVINIENCE. Any ways this is the link to the map and the gamertypes. Map:http:// Gamertype 1:http:// Gamertype 2:http:// P.S. If the links don't work just look for jorgecb565 file share
Yes, please put pictures and embed them. EDIT: You said you don't know how to embed pictures. Look at the pinned topic on the posting maps section or ask a moderator for help.
ForgeHub Halo Forums - Announcements in Forum : Competitive Maps Read this and it will tell you everything you need to know about posting maps **Please no more comments concerning his pictures.**
This is not about the pics. Please fix the link. Make sure when you press Insert Link you delete the already typed in http:// when you copy and paste. Plus you can highlight any word on your post and make that word the link