Caruvious Created by NotInAMontage Supported Gametypes: Team Slayer, CTF, Territories, Assault, King of the Hill, and Oddball Please note that none of these are set up for FFA. Map Description Caruvious is a symetrical map with 2 teams bases in the back left (A Base) and back right (B Base) of the map. In the middle of the map there is a large neutral base with an Energy Sword in the middle underneath the open box. There is a walkway in the front of the map with a sniper in the middle and 2 fusion coils behind the sniper to prevent camping. Underneath the walkway is a rocket launcher, also with fusion coils beside it. ________________________________________________ This picture is a general overview of my map Another overview of the map This is a view of the B Base (A Base is symetrical) This is a view a the walkway. The sniper is leaning against the A sign. Rockets are right below that, above the fusion coils on the ground. This is the neutral base Neutral base again Someone getting domed from across the map This shows two people fighting, along with what is on the sides of the map Some blue guy flying up to the B Base ________________________________________________ I would like to thank everyone who helped me test my map, downloaded my map Caruvious, TDHarding, or looked at this post. My gamertag is Lahti v2. Download Caruvious
From the screen shots it looks like a great map. Looks like the game play will be smooth, nice interlocking. I look forward to downloading this once the link is fixed. Nice map.
This map looks very balanced, clean and smooth. Very good job, but how do you get up to the walkway, from the pics I can't find a way somebody would get up.
On the 4th pic down of the walkway there is a standing double box with a bridge leaned up against it in the back of the pic. That's how you get up. It's the same way on the other side as well
This map looks well merged and has a great layout. But i cant help feeling its missing something. Ah well....its probably just me. Anyway, great job !
Very nice, layed out map. Interlocking is perfectly done, and I like the placement of the fusion coils, and the two trucks. But like Captain America said, it feels like there is something missing from it, but I can't put my finger on it. But I will DL and find out.
Looks like a well rounded map, a few open areas but the interlocking is pretty good for what i have seen however, the weapon placement is a bit odd, having two power weapons (sniper, and rockets) in reach of about 2 seconds of each other this could be very overpowering if one team captures both
Hmmm... here's my opinion from the pics. A little empty, but very nice interlocking. Great first post, and I'll give you a second opinion later. 3.7/5