Download High Noon High Noon was inspired by all those awesome Western shootouts that take place in the middle of a street in some tumble-weed town. The map itself features a long open street with minimal cover, buildings line the street complete with porches plenty of nooks for cover. Besides your starting weapon there are two Malatov Cocktails on the map and four pistols. Please Download the Custom Game Type associated with this map: Shootout Games are played in rounds (best of 7) where each player has 1 life to live. Pistols are the primary weapon and shotguns are secondary. Armor is 150% and there are no shields. Players spawn facing away from one another in true Dueling fashion. Screenshots: A Long Road to Hell Clock Tower Side Town Hall Side Town Hall Blue Ready to Draw Red Ready to Draw Fighting in the Streets
Uh no, one of the senior members told me to put it in Mini Games...I thought it belonged in competitive, but I haven't been around here as much as some so I figured I'd listen to him.
Fair Enough, competitive maps generally shouldn't have a gametype along with it they should be set up for all gametypes.
those houses look pretty good and i like the way players spawn facing the wall making it seem like a real draw. good job
Where is there an honor rule here? From what I see, players spawn away from each other then turn around and start shooting. The houses are a nice touch for people who like firing from cover (pretty much everyone) and the balconies are very nicely done. Don't see anything about the honor rule at all...
Hey thanks for the input guys, I'm really excited that you all seem to enjoy the map (looks wise at least!). As far as gameplay and stuff, of course its limited to being a straight shootout since thats specifically what it was made for. and of course if you don't like starting with shotguns you can always change that : ) and there is no need for honor rules if you dl the matching game type thanks again for 200+ dls (a modest amount but a personal record!)