I don't know if this has been made before so don't go yelling it me if it has. Ok, what are your guys views on heaven and hell, obviously you don't have to be religious to believe in either, so don't nag at me if you think you do. Personally I don't believe in either and people should live life to the fullest instead of worrying about heaven and hell in the afterlife. You only get one chance. Even if it is real. And everyones idea of heaven or hell is different so nobody really knows, if they do exist. What are your views?
Well I'm catholi and belive their is a heaven. If your an image of God throughout your life ,without moral sinning or stuff like that,you die and are sent to Heaven where its the most beautiful place ever and all your friend family are there waiting for you. But if you aren't an image of God throughout your life then you are sent to Hell.Where Satan is the ruler of it. Long story short.Your good=Heaven.Your Bad=Hell.
But what if somebodys idea of heaven was the same as hell to you would be, and vice versa, basically the oposite, would they have to suffer to go with the majority of opinions?
Are you catholic ,because you said God.If so then you are kinda going against us because thats not what the Bible says.
What I meant in my other post was, is heaven/hell different for everybody, or all the same? Somebody's idea of heaven could be your idea of hell and vice versa.
Well I'm sure people do think that in some religions but I belive that heaven is for the good.Hell is for the bad.
I believe heaven could be a state of mind..all your interests and pleasures in your own personal afterlife.
I Belive Heaven is a stae of mind.Basically the Bible says that when you die your soul rises to Heaven. Edit:Omg same time and same thing.
well, im not sure about heaven, but i think hell is different for everyone. trapped with your biggest fear.
We have them both right now We have both Heaven and Hell right here on Earth. Heaven and Hell were created by frightened humans in our distance past. When one of their loved ones passed away they needed to try and explain where they went, so they said that the dead person must be in a better place with their other dead relatives and maybe even their dead pets. It is a comforting thought but it doesn't make much sense to me. I think the creation of Hell as a concept is different. Hell is a threat. It is a fear tool to keep people, who can't control their morality without the threat of eternal burning, in check. Personally, I think Heaven would get boring FAST! What would you spend your time doing? Is everything perfect all the time? If you don't have anything negative to compare it to, it just wouldn't seem as great. You need both and we have them both right here.....right now.....enjoy it while you can. Be a good person, not because you are afraid of burning or excited about eutopia, but because it's the right thing to do.
I don't really believe in either. I'm one of those people where I have to see it to believe it. When you die, I think it is just like your in a deep sleep forever. You can't feel anything, can't think, can't remember.
Heaven is where your spirit goes to spend the rest of eternity with your loved ones that have died before you. Not really sure what it looks like tho. I perceive hell to not be "below the ground" like most others believe. I believe hell is right next to heaven, and everyday you look over and see all the joys of heaven with all of there family and knowing that you will never be able to get there. I think that is the worst possible way someone could be punished.
It's not "do good and you'll go to heaven", or "do bad and you'll go to hell." There's more religion to it, but it sounds rather cheesy. I believe in the two. Heaven is where you spend all your time worshipping god, and supposedly you want to go nonstop bowing down for an eternity. Hell is where you are burning eternally. God and the Devil. One or the other. It's rather a strange domain. The afterlife seems like a war between two kingdoms, and earth is the battlefield. Those "abaritions and ghosts" on TV only exist to those who want to see them. The Devil puts on a little show for those easily fooled to go by, to fuel their ignorance. It's simply pulling the good away from heaven and condemning them to hell.
im catholic and i believ ther is heaven, well something in my head says that when we die we are born again and the cycle carries on, it does make sense if u think about it and if we are good in 1 life the next we are blessed with privaliges, like parents being famous or rich or just plain happy all the time, but i still believ thers a heaven, the light at the end of the dark tunnel, and hell is earth
No offense to the people in this argument but I think we really need to stop the religious arguments in the debate section, because most of them are opinion based, with no factual evidence to support either side. That being said, I don't want to comment on this argument. (I'm a Buddhist, and I believe that we are reincarnated when we die)
So then your basically saying it is a state of mind.You say frightened humans created these things when the Bible says its true.I'm Catholic so everything the Bible says is true ,or at least it was.