ViRuS 0utbreak

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by o2oGodsMistake, Jan 17, 2008.

  1. o2oGodsMistake

    o2oGodsMistake Ancient
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    ViRuS Outbreak

    links to the map:

    This is a Town that has been put under quarintine (cant spell it OMG lol) and has been locked out with a simple wall blocking out the zombies, who will somehow fly out of it into the middle of town within 30 seconds of the beginning of the game. As in that time humans are spawned in individual houses or areas where they must find more weapons and defend them selfs, zombies are pretty fast and have 50 damage resistance. Alpha zombie is faster then a normal zombie and has poor camo watch out for that. After a certain amount of time (180secs ) humans will have access to the last stand area where they must access it within the next few seconds ( 30) or the objects respawn blocking it again and you have to wait again for the wall to be blown away. So this game is pretty much just try to surivive in ur house and maybe find people *hint hint*. Here are a few features on the map

    Weapons - Mauler, magnum, plasma pistol, assault x1, Battle Rfle x1, shotgun x1
    last stand - turret and some other power weapon, with the others
    Vechiles- mongooses x2
    No Radars - So...... Watch Out I Guess

    Here are a few images
    1st half of the Town

    2nd Half of the Town

    Zombie spawn area

    Flying zombie Barely see it, its the Alpha

    Main street

    Last Stand

    well I hope you enjoy the map have fun
  2. ShadowSnip3r RC

    ShadowSnip3r RC Ancient
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    This is a bit sloppy which leads me to believe it was thrown together in one sitting and never tested. However I like what your trying to get at. Good work.
  3. o2oGodsMistake

    o2oGodsMistake Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yes it is a little sloppy, sorry about it I was on a tight schedule and needed to make it as well as i could with in that time period. But i will be making a second version of this map better planned and I will be able to determine how to use my resources much more wisely, since I ran out of money :(. I will probably make the buildings much more organized too. Have Fun playing it if you download it.

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