this map looked really good. But the waterfall area, is very frustrating. I and the people I was playing with found it frustrating. You fall in and you have to walk (crouched) for a minute to get back into the action. Why do the sniper and sword have a 30 second respawn? At one point almost everyone playing was carrying a sword.
yeah it is for symetrical games, there will be a way out good thing about forhehhub is that, the map isnt actually posted
That was getting getting annoying without the way to get out of the river, so now it is even better, the backwards/ upside down man cannon looks good, and it makes it easy to get out now, and the weapon spawns were really bad before, so good job for fixing it 5/5
I dont know.I noticed somethings while i was playing with you.First off both times i joined your game there weere people screaming at me.But thats not all.There is something tunnel rats has that death valley doesnt.More paths inside the tunnels.Your tunnel only is only one path making it easy for you to die.Your interlocking is nice. Im not saying that its bad im saying that there mostly one way into each thing.
Definatly looks good, and i agree that ther might be to many weapons to many weapons on the map, looks good though looks good
the spawns are better than they were, so they will mot likely not be on the map as the same time as the others except in the beginning and tin, remember that a pipe only has one way in and one way out in a power, plant, because, I thought of that too
I like it when people, get stuck in the current and you can kill them easily. Also good you finally fixed the links
I downloaded and it was pretty good. I like the small tunnel, but would it be suicide if people were fighting in there.