I just thought of this, and think it would be a really fun contest. Its just and Idea however, don't submit any maps. I don't have time to host sucha contest, but if someone did please notify me. The Default Foundry contest would be a contest to see who could take Default Foundry, and turn it into an amazing map. The only rules would be that you cannot move any of the objects that were originally placed on Default Foundry. This includes weapons, equipment, scenery, everything. However, you are allowed to interlock objects with the previously existing FOundry scenery. YOu are also allowed to geo-merge and use any of the existing techniques. What do you think of this Idea?
Sounds a little hard as you can't change any of the current scenery's placement? And i'm not really sure how I would geomerge stuff with the current scenery. What if you did this for a contest: Who can make the best foundry using only the objects available in it? You can't add or remove objects, you have to work with all that is given to you. That would be interesting to see I think.
i was thinkning of making a contest for a map with specific limits to challenge people you would make a map witht the items they are allowed to use have them download it and create something good.
why not just take the existing layout, and then interlock everything making it smooth and enjoyable, whilst still preserving the prosperity of the original map. EDIT: I've actually thought about doing this recently. I'll give it a try and see what I come up with.
Not a bad idea. Or, you could create multiple levels above the base of Foundry, i think i might try to make a map like this.