Technically this is a preview for my next MLG map, Overture. Here is a screenshot of one of the bases: Im going to set up this map for all MLG gametypes. Please give me some feedback !
you really shouldnt put up previews for maps people dont like that. though youve done a good job on the geo mergin and inter lockin and cant wait to see the finished version
its just that this isn't a completed map. maybe this should go in forge dissucsion or somthing, because it can't really be played on
Hey man! I was with you yesterday (and American 10) while you were making this base. It looks great, and I can't wait for the finished version. HOwever, this is the wrong thread for this. It should probably go in the forge discussion section or something. You can ask a moderator to move it for you.
Well could a moderator please move this to forge discussion please ? Id greatly appreciate it. Also, thanks for the feedback.
so far the base is well made but your second picture isn't working for me so im not sure what's going on. The ground seems a bit bare and open too but since this is justa preview I can't complain yet. what's the point of a preview though. no one is going to remember the name of this map and what was on it later on. just keep your ideas till later for the grand opening. there is not much for us to give feed back on here
First of all, There is no second picture. Secondly, I wanted to see if anyone had any suggestions. Third of all, I know it was bad for a preview. I wont do it anymore.
A preview is a good idea but as RivalMass said, It looks like an excellent beginning, now go and finish it!
ok i think ou should have a towers don't know why but i like towers also if you want a preview do it on your sig ok it is easy to see and you don't get slack, also have a sniper i love sniping my freind EDIT: well really it depends on how big you want the map to be, is small no sniper if BIG then a sniper
We dont allow advertisements for future maps here. Post your map when it is completed, and only then. Closed.