Yea AZN I liked yours...I felt it was what everyone wanted to do, and you made it well O and making remakes is cool, but realize how useless it will be if they do release the old halo maps
I agree. I make my own improved version of every map for my 360 and I plan on moving the Flags on my Standoff, and adding snipers as well.
Why would that be a joke, its the best idea ever. And yea, I agree about the flags on Standoff. I also have heard many complaints about the Warthog being uber power weapon and teams just riding in it for the entire game. But i suppose thats your own fault if you cant destroy it, its not that hard. Hasnt happened to me yet though cuz i love the splazer hahaha. All i have played on rats nest though was a couple games of neutral bomb. It was unspectacular, but i can see it being better with a good team.
AZN, why did you leave yesterday? You went to someone else's forge and left us hanging. I don't remember how far we got.
Even then it just played like Blood Gulch, not a spiritual successor. I got the maps the instance that I was able to. I love 'em.
i got the maps when they released, and was amazed mostly by the freedom provided by foundry. i made so many maps i had to delete some of my others b/c of the 100 item limit. Standoff is too open and you cant make use of the AR, and Rats Nest is good playing anything but VIP, then again what is?
wow why would you go to like the very last page and pull out something EVERYBODY now has just to say that???