As in the description that you will see under this map, this is a hangar that was turned into a training complex by adding various structures to the battlefield. This map supports all game types well in only one version. This is a big neat map with much to explore. A very unique and one of its kind map. Can go anywhere from 2v2 to 8v8, preferrably 6v6. Also great for FFA games. Hangar Entrance Hangar Alley 1 Hangar Alley 2 Hangar Hangar 'take 2' Hangar Roof Sniper Tower Tunnel and Ramp V Junction DOWNLOAD VELOCITY HERE If you like this map feel free to send me a message or friend request, if friends list is full send friend request to "Marine of Hell" it is a silver account I'm using as a sub friends list.
It looks like a well thought out map, but for some reason it doesn't go, and it looks rather sloppy, I would make a v2 with different weapons and just make it looks all that smoother.
looks pretty good, very creativ and looks nicely done, some cool features and looks like it plays well good job
this map looks good. i like how almost every thing is slanted, especialy the wire spool platform in the base. that was cool. good job!
This looks really cool. The wall of bridges in the first screen looks great, and this map looks like a good mix of Close and long range battle. Will DL and playthrough
There is nothing in this that I particularly like. Hangar maps have been made before. As a guy above me said, smoothen it out, especially thoses bridges over the hanger entrance. However, you have a pretty original layout for this map. 4/5
The map is really well done. This looked like it toke alot of time and effort. The scenery is great, it plays well, the only thing that can be better are the corners of the map and the bridge above the hangar. 5/5
Really cool but nothing stands out in particular; however I like how the bunker has crates. Looks more like a real bunker that way. Nice job!
looks interesting to play on as everyone else is saying straighten up the map a bit there is a lot of crooked things on the map nice geomergin and nice interlockin though.
this is very well done with good merging and geo merging. the layout looks great and it seems to boast an amazing variety of close and medium range encounters. very aesthetic and pleasing to the eye. good job 9.5/10
i like the wires sprool they make me wonder i also thought think that it is a tiny bit plane i would add something but i don't know what. i am sure that you will think of something
nice concept. the bases are spread out equally. i say just smooth-en it out more and it should be great. 8/10
it's randomness makes it sloppy, try making it really smoot so we don't notice, for the rest it's a great map.