Wow pmp i really like what you have done here very nice use of forging techniques and switches. Imagine using this in a castle map.
This is really, really cool. And it generates a bunch of new ideas. I love user-activated doors in maps, so a working bridge is a whole new level. Great job.
thank you, i hope you can use it in a map, its not made in the best spot, maybe ill make it again, where should it be
Hey, I was wondering if you would let me use your awesome invention in one of my maps? I'll make sure to give you credit!
I saw this map awhile back and was amazed at it it really is a cool map, now only if you could put the bridge into a map thats playable, that would probably be a even sicker map! 5 out of 5
this looks awesome!! is this open for use to the general public (in other words, can i make a map off of this?)