I have recently made a symmetrical version of Foundry, It is almost finished and I was just wondering if some of you could download the map and give me some feedback. Bare in mind this is not the finished map and that some changes and tweaks still need to be made, also the powerups are in the sky for callout reasons and can be picked up using a partner, I plan to change this in the next update to the map. Also, check my fileshare for the latest versions. Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Share The latest versions are in Slot 10 & 11. It currently only supports Slayer and Team Slayer as I have not made KoTH or CTF for this map yet. Any feedback is appreciated, but don't be too harsh as this is one of my first maps. Thanks Dark
if you are aplieing testers for your map post it here plz don't post a testing map in the finished map section.
Im not asking for testers im just wondering if you think this map is a good enough map for me to continue to make changes too. I also want to know how you guys think it plays for Team Slayer and FFA. Thanks
Welcome to forgehub. This post isn't up to the standards and i'm guessing you need help with pictures. 1. go into theater mode and snap some pictures 2. go to bungie.net and they will be in your recent photos area 3. save them to your computer 4. subscribe to photobucket for free 5. upload the pictures that you saved 6. copy the "direct link" 7. go back to your post and click the picture button 8. paste the "direct link" make sure there is only one http// if you can only put one picture press preview post and then go back down and it should now allow you to add another picture
I'd like to see some pictures for this map as a bungie map post doesn't really help explain the map. Here is a guide to making a correct map post: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/blogs/kronos001/270-how-post-maps-new-members.html Please don't go on after this post saying it's crap because that doesn't help does it.
There you go guys added some pictures and you will be able to see why it is V2 now. Give my map a download please and tell me what you think. Thanks
are these current pictures or just old? i like the idea , it makes the map look much better when its symmetrical and your callout idea makes the map much easier to use teamwork on. Well done! btw if you want to fix your active camo/overshield problem just interlock them into boxes , bridges , walls etc. they work with all interlockable objects and it makes the map look professional in a way.
These pictures are from the most current version V2.05 slot 11 on my fileshare. Yeah I now what you mean with the powerups, similar to onslaught and amplified. Thanks for the feedback. Please do not critisize when you clearly haven't even looked properly, Please look again and download and you will see differences, do you really think I am that stupid that I would post a bungie map as my own I mean seriously? No offense but by posting something like that you are only making yourself look stupid.
nice map, i also agree that making it symetrical is better for teamwork. And whoever said not to post a remake of bungie maps... well... agree`d with the maker of this map and what he said to you. Well done.
looks pretty cool, are the weapon placements the same, i see that the rockets are where they originally were, but sniper?, br?, power drain?
You should summit this into TheThe Lazy Mapmakers Contest if there’s no interlocking or geolocking which appears to be the case and also no budget glitch. The map itself looks ok, but it’s kind of empty, so it needs more stuff. Also it appears very easy to get to the other side of the map. If you are planning on making this work for CTF, what will motivate or force players to go farther back into the map?
Well... you made is symetrical. But I never did like the original version of foundry, so this is natually better. But I don't like the idea of somebody trying to remake or perfect an already made map that's not yours. It bugs me. But granted you did make the map better
its a good idea and it makes foundry look more interresting, but i think more gametypes would b better
This map is aimed more at the competitive audience so there is no equipment, but the snipers are in the same place on both sides the rocket launcher is dead in the middle of the map and there are BRs and carbines around the spawn and a BR here and there in the centre of the map. There is also a mauler where the shotgun normally would be. I had to use interlocking to make the centre of the map where the stairs are equal on each side, but that is the only piece. I'm not sure if I will make this CTF but if I do I may make the flag pick-up points at the back of the enemies base near the trucks so you have to actually run the flag a little distance. Seeing as no-one has downloaded this yet according to bungie, you are going by looks alone? If this is the case then give it a download and see if you like it. If you already downloaded it then I apoligize. I just posted this to see peoples reactions to the map. If people like it then it will motivate me to make it better by changing any bugs and by adding more options to the map. If you want the most up to date versions feel free to add my gamertag: dark ru1er
I am dark ruler too ~~~~~~~~~ looks good, not great, but good use fusion and geo-fusion in your maps from now on
If I used these then it wouldn't be true to the original it is based on, I only used it for the middle near the stairs. But thanks for your input. Give it a download and tell me what you think. Thanks
I only see like 2 differences between this and the original, it doesnt look like you did much forging at all...