looks very nice the only thing in this map that doesnt look interesting or even close to perfect is that it has telles.. i wish there were a way to change it.. besides that the map looks pretty great.
Wow! MattDGiant you have my sincere gratitude of having teleporters in a map, and still being awsome. 5/5 and you haz my download
Sweet thanks, MAH PICTURE! its good because it shows what you can do with the flamethrower.Well in my other post i d\told you about the map so i dont feel like saying it again.
Yea teleporters are butt ugly. I tried to make them better looking. For example, in the Covenant dimension i added a bunch of stuff to make it look better. Thanks though. hah thanks man. yea it is a beast picture. Lol.
I really like the first room, and how you used the mancannons and weapon holders to make it look futuristic, but the other rooms look kinda blah, it would be cool if you had like a invisi/overshield/CP room, where they were all interlocked into the walls, it would be a bright room, and another room could be all fence walls with shield doors merged in, get creative, nice idea
Wow looks helal kew can go alot of places on this map nice interlocking with some couldve interlocked all! great job tho! =] 3.8/5
im not sure I understood what you said lol there were a bunch of typos. I do understand you gave me a "3.8/5". However, you didnt state anything in your post that said there was something that needs fixing in this map. Therefore, you subtracted 1.2 points out of 5 for no reason.
nice interlocking u could get rid of ur spawn killing problem with lots more spawn points perhaps a secret room
I was going to make a map similar to this haha, it looks like you did a nice job though! How big are the dimensions though? They all look kind of tiny
That wouldnt help very much, but there really isnt a spawn killing problem at all. They vary in size, but yes they are generally small. Its okay though. It works really well. Download and try it out!
this is a very sweet map! i remember playing it last night! i made the pics huh! that's me the black elite! well this map was sooo fun to play on. gret job and the hidden flamthrower was awesome. i don't remeber american getting that tripple though, was that in the second game?
Played this with 6 people. I must be honest, the gameplay wasn't very fun, and the rooms other than the covenant room are pretty bland, with some messy forging here and there. 3/5
Thanks bluepenguin! Yea I think he go thtat in the second game. And Kaptain, I told you, 4 players is the swwet spot, you had six. Still, I guess this map aint for everyone.