I'm working on other maps for Conquest. I've got 2 done except for some minor tweaks, 1 general idea for a third, and 2 general ideas for Campaign (Shhh... it's a secret).
I would appreciate it if you ran those by me. I still haven't really settled on how Campaign should work. I just tried it out with 2x overshield recharge instead of damage resistance or damage reduction and it worked a lot better.
BetaWaffle I liked your "conquest" map on Foundry that we played. It seemed to have more room to breathe than this map does. but then again, the only time i've gotten to play this map is with 3 teams ..... stupid brain damaged kids ....
Beta waffle has two on Foundry... Tunnels and the ramp one... but I do like them both... I have to get to True to see if he wants to make the FH Standard Gametypes thing... Cuz there are alot of gametypes that would be great for making maps for... SWAT, Conquest, Campaign, Breakout, etc. All of these gametypes have a unique feel with them and can have maps made around them very easily. Of course ALL of the gametypes would have to be fully tested before it is released as a Standard.
More maps for any gametypes would just slowly improve the love for that gametype. This is why we need a standard gametype list. Those gametypes, could get even better if more maps were made for them. Like SWAT, Tower of Power, Conquest, Breakout, Campaign, Splinter Cell, etc. I just hope this standard gametype thingy does spread...
The cellars is fun because of its close quarter and intense fighting. I also hope standard gameplay does spread along these maps.
awwww the cellars, this map is so much freaking fun i can play endless hours on this map and still not get bored =)
I actually reforged this map, but all i did was add a weapon: a rocket launcher with only 2 shots that doesn't respawn on either side. That way if your pinned you can blow your way back and get a couple territories. It actually worked okay with the variant.
Great map! The decreased damage really adds to the intense battling and im glad you made it only spike grenades. Sticking someone is so satisfying. I'll never look at rat's nest the same again. You guys have some real potential with a map like this.
At first we tried starting grenades... yeah all it turned out to be was a grenade spam fest. That sucked hardcore...
but your maps dont suck hardcore... they rock!! This is the best territories map. It tops the storm the beach.
I enjoyed playing this game and the map was well thought out. Who would have guessed that blocking some doors of and adding details would make such a good map.
SUUUGGGGJESSSTTIIIIIIOOOONNN! Ok so it might be a little funner (is that a word) if your spawn points mover forward as you captured territories (if you can do that) great map =]
Epic First Post. To upload your map, finish creating it in Forge, then upload it to your file share in Halo. Then go to bungie.net, and create a thread for the map by clicking "publish to forums" then you can link that thread to forge hub by making a thread here. when doing both of these things, please follow the posting guidelines to avoid getting flamed by people like me.