Floating combat race track 1v1 2v2 NEEDS GAME TYPE RACE TO 10 There is some really good race tracks here but a lot of them are aimed towards larger parties.Most of the time i play splitscreen with 2 or 4 people so this map is built with that in mind.DLD is not about speed it is about staying on the track and using braking and waching your speed to stay on the track as well as trying to kill or stop the other team. This was my first attempt at a race map and interlocking and as such the i locking in places is not great.It is my opinion that too much emphasis is placed on i locking{controversial i know} paticurlary towards non mlg type maps the track is smooth and it does not affect the gameplay therefore i dont feel its a must.However if you feel that you want to comment on the i locking that you add a description of how you i lock or merge to help make me and others better forgers after all isnt that what forge hub is about. The game type for this race is also different it uses a point system first to 10 destinnations this means that if 1 team powers ahead and another keeps falling off the round will end sooner where as if the race is close it will last longer creating balance this way one team will not just be left on the ground while the other team continues to go round the track There are no weapons on the map as it is as race map you would have to stop to pick them up so the default weapons are an assault rifle and a shotgun but you can change this in the game options,heavy weapons are not best as you can blast your opponent off the track but its up to you as for the weapons that you cant start with,fuel rod gun and the s beam they are on a holder behind the start again wether you use them or not is up to you there is also 2 firebombs with them there are no other grenades as agoain they are to powerfull so use your 2 frags wisely if you want to add grenades you can there is some in the yellow room but you will need to remove a fusion coil or on of the other vechiles which are left out of the way.The reason they are there is in case you want to change thing it may work well as an areil cat and mouse map{i dont really like this gametype but feel free to try} If after a while you find the track too easy go round and remove the barricades from the track this will make it harder to get around sill too easy then remove the small energy blocker and if your a glutton for punishment or want to practice remove the shield doors but dont say i didnt warn you there are 2 traps{see pics}the first is a grav lift trap on the small bridge shooting the power cores will destroy 1 lift to make another spawn behind you which will at worst force them to stop to destroy it and at best push them into a mancannon wich will push them into the large mancannon.The other trap is a mine field filled with fusion cores these do ont exsplode on thier own again if you want to change that go ahead the reason i didnt is the noise and 2 to make it more about skill than luck they are set to instant respawn a well place grenade{if you still have one}will blow the lot The route is as follows you start at the top follow track round till you reach the small bridge then if you need the point you can try the one way curve or go straight though the chicane then up the box ramp,along the path into the man canonon then along the other flat boxes round and down the corner then along the bridges and into the base and out through the built in man cannon{if you try to go in it the other way you will hit the shield} then land follow the sender nodes to the inside then through the lift to bring you out near the chicane then through{or over}the minefiled and into the base mancanonn which will put you back in the middle of the start completing the lap in a sort of big u shape it is simple when you play it as you have the markers I really like how this map has turned out it is fun and chanlenging even without removing things try differnt weapons,swords and hammers are fun, and the gamtype brings balance so that it not just 1 sided feedback is always welcome now GO RACE and remember DONT LOOK DOWN Thanks to HLG Viper and Somone Stinky for helping test DOWNLOAD DONT LOOK DOWN DOWNLOAD RACE TO 10 DONT LOOK DOWN RACE TO 10 VIDEO overview starting side starting area{the ramps at the top} 2nd area starting side grav lift trap off banked curve chicane 2nd side overveiw 2nd side middle hit the mancanon right you will land on the track 2nd side middle 2nd side back the shield stops you getting in not out 2nd side follow the nodes inside inside hit the flat shield right you will get a perfect landing mine field final tunnel of lap hitting the base mancannons will get you up here Hang on a minute lads, I've got a great idea! Err...
It looks really fun, but i think I'd have a hard time trying to follow it. Overall I'd give it a 4/5 because some parts like with the bridges are a little off.
its easy to follow with a marker on the map think driving round the outside of a big u and please state how you i lock
Hummm... This looks good and fun, but I can't tell if how well it was made. On second thought, I wouldn't like a race map like this, because if you fall off, you have to go through a teleporter or mancannon to get back on. Still, a map is a map: 4/5
no you dont if you fall off you can move to the next section or use the mancannon to get back up i know there is a lot to read but its all relevant
looks like a cool race map and a hard one too i dont think i will dnld just cause it seems way to dificult but still it looks good so ya nice job
i don't like this mainly because i think that it looks confusing even with the markers i also would say that i like the turn in the sky but some of it is kinda sloppy
its not confusing its the opposite its dead easy as for making the turns thats why the barracades energy blockers and shield are there in testing eveyona made to the bottom of the first section first time without even seeing pics try playing it
we had a blast testing this (i'm the one driving my teammate off the cliff ), and even if it looks messy from the screenshot, it's not. it has a good balance between challenging and fun, and no, it's not vital to stay on. the map is slipped into several portions, so if you fall of you can just take a trip towards the next goal area (the different portions all have ramps from the ground floor), So from in-game experience, you are wrong Zuwabashi.
This looks really interesting for a race map, and not just because its an avalanche one (I love the look and feel of avalanche). I like the different sections, and the way falling off is a penalty but doesn't put you out of the race. This makes it kind of a racing assault course that requires skill as well as speed when driving, an idea that I like alot. Nicely laid out and a nice variation on a theme, when I have a couple of people I'm gonna try this out and get back with playtest results, but initial impressions are very good and you definitely have my DL.
it is big,a lap on the track would only take 3 or 4 min and it is dead simple play it and see there is only the track and the markers help
Looks messy in places but well built and clean in others! Good job, I think I've seen that turn over the death pit before though.
i have seen it before but with upside down ramps beneath the ground level mine has a jump onto it and a bridge where the point is both of these things make it trickier and yes is it slightly messy in parts as i said it was my first attempt and theres no grid on the floor like foundry it does not affect the gamplay