Ok I'm deleting this, so many people say it's stolen. My friend helped me make it, infact he did most of it. I didn't know it was a remake/stolen, I just joined his game and asked to help so he said yes. Ok, now stop calling me a map stealer.
i don't mean to be a jerk but you stool this. it has been made before, i don't usualy be so mean but i know that you didn't make this because i had this map back in april. the only difference, i actually like, is the cross out of gernades and the turret. this looks no different from the map called, BARTS CHAPLE. so there i said it. sorry for being mean but i know u didn't make this.
Why would I steal something? Seriously it's not "Bart's chapple" Ok I do admit I had some help from my friend Mad John 93, and it was mainly his idea, but I didn't steal it, he just helped me make it. I can show you a video if you want.
Wow, looks excellent! I am a huge fan of infection, and I like the way you did it, the door headstones are really good, and were a good idea. Churches have been displayed, but I haven't seen as many that looks good, especially with the weapon holder crosses. Happy forging! ~Randle $candal
then that guy stool the map! i will show you the actual map if you go on xbl. my g-tag is bluepenguin23
map stealer this is barts chaple i got it 3 months ago you sick evil map stealer you disgust me so ya nice job
This map is indeed stolen. Here is the link to the original. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/7772-barts-chapel-haunted-chapel.html Lock this thread
This looks great. The name doesn't sound like it was thought out. Try something a little less vague and boring. It's maps with names like Palooza that sound cool. It uses a basic church design, like many other temple maps. It also uses the old barriers from back in October maps, which I like a lot. Today, basically all I see to block entrances off are pallets, which are too easy to get through. Soooo- to me this sounds cool because you are bringing back the type of infection that I like, while using a modern design. 5/5 because I like it so much + dl, which is often rare from me. Edit: I like the map, but it disgusts me that you stole it... Please remove this, and now I won't download!
Problem resolved. Locked. Next incident of 'I dun no it waz soolen' from you it will be an infraction.