Been away from my computer, haven't been able to respond. -------------------------------------------- Posted on: Yesterday at 10:09:07 pmPosted by: Titmar I love playing with Legos... I like to make spaceships... and then i take the heads off the guys and i make it so they have a block for a head... Legos are badass. Your map is going to fail though. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Why?
[size=10pt][size=10pt]_________________________________________________[/size][/size] I don't know why, but this reminded me that the last time I worked on this map, I clicked "End Game" before "Save Changes" I was so BLAMMING pissed then. But the funny part now is, the next time I go in I'm setting up differently - for the better. I'm so lazy, even if I had saved, I wouldn't of changed it because it took a long time. (2+ Hours.) The way I'm going to set it up now will be twice as good and only take about 20 minutes. Hurrah for forgetfulness! AND MY MAP WILL NOT FAIL!