So I made a Bowling map in Forge on Foundry earlier just for fun, has this been done before? I don't want to post it if there is a superior map out.
I think it was yours that we played on... but if it wasn't it doesn't matter. Who's ever it was had a great one, and currently there are no other ones out there. Please feel free to post it.
I just built mine earlier today though. Has 10 pins and if you get a strike, they explode. A series of Grav Lifts return the pin back to the front of the alley.
Wasn't mine that you played, I only made it yesterday and only a two other people played it. Now unless one of them played it with you... but anyway, I couldn't retrieve the one I made yesterday, having problems with my account and I couldn't go back to my friend's house that I made it (slept 'til like 4 PM and was watching movies) so I remade it today and included a couple other things, it's in the Map Testing forum under Bowling+
I don't think it's that good... yet. I think I should maybe try to put in two lanes instead of one and make it only bowling. Maybe make it a Slayer match where one person on the opposite team spawns in the pins (they explode when you get a Strike) and make so they can't move. Only problem would be to prevent other people on the other team from running out of the bowling zone.