when your forging and you select a wall or double wall or fence wall and you need to turn it 90 degrees or 45 degrees or whatever angle needed for the job i have difficulty getting it standing perfectly straight up it happens to me like 50 % of the time sometimes i guess i get lucky and it stand perfectly straight other times i spend a minute or two trying it i dont' know if im missing something of if other struggle with this sometimes
yeah ive done that but takes a really long time to keep spawning and deleting box after box after box that does work but i was wondering if there is a trick to doing it
way to take my solution. jk. well yea you can either do that or you can just float bove the object when you place it. however the box way is most effective and is the best way to make your map "clean"
i guess ill stick to the box thing then ur right the box does help it stay clean though i just wish it was faster
Thus is the price for beautiful maps. It's also an easy way to sort the crappy maps from the quality ones. If it looks neat, someone really took the time to make a good map and I should download it. If there are slanted walls, someone doesn't care and neither should I.
I can't say I agree with you, just because the walls aren't perfectly straight doesn't mean the map sucks. That's like saying just because Napoleon Dynamite had almost no budget it's a bad movie.
Well it sure makes it look crappy. And people that are willing to have patience and put extra time into little things usually end up making better maps, regaurdless.
They may have had a small budget, but I bet they didn't use the first take of each scene. I bet they went through more than one copy of the script to get all the jokes right. The final product depends on how much effort you put in, not how much your budget was. The same goes for Forge. If someone doesn't put effort in, the map will not be good. Period. I'm not saying that everything has to be perfect. I'd excuse a few slanted walls if the gameplay was amazing. But you aren't going to achieve great gameplay unless you put some effort into the design of the map. So in the end, straight walls are not a prerequisite of great maps, but they are usually an indication of the effort that was put into the map.
I never thought about the box thing, wow, great idea guys, im gonna have to start doing that when im building my crap maps.
LOLOCAUST!!! Anyways, everyone here knows that I strongly believe in perfection. If you are making a map that you want people to love and play for a long time, then take pride in it and make it the best you can make it. No matter how many times it takes. If it gets frustrating, then go do something else and come back to it. But take your time on your maps, and we will take our time looking at your maps.
Titmar wins the award for best response. As far as the actual thread topic goes, It just takes time to get things looking the way you want them. Don't rush things, and know that sometimes you'll be working for 5 or 10 minutes to place an object.
i aint trying to be mean. i mean quality is quality but 2 hours for a single piece is a long time. p.s. i think he was exaggerating.