Deadly Delay: This map was inspired by all those movies where the walls are closing in. Two teams spawn in small rooms opposite each other. In these rooms one team spawns with infinite plasma grenades while the other teams spawns with infinite spike grenades. Both rooms empty into a big box like room. Outside each room there are 2 swords (this is so the first floor is not just grenades). Also down each wall are weapons specific to distance. As the game proceeds the walls appear to be closing in. that’s because they are (when the walls close in the longer range weapons become in accessible). Once the walls close to a certain distance a wall spawns which divides the 2 teams. Also stairs appear that lead to the second floor. This is where all the weapons are located. The second floor is a bunch of hallways. The two teams then proceed to the third floor where a king of the hill awaits. To prevent spawn killing, shield doors block the spawn room entrances. Also each person is invulnerable for 3 seconds after they respawn. In other words camping the other teams spawn is suicidal. Kills = 2 points Hill Control = 1 points/sec (This makes people have to both try and control the hill and get kills) Pre-walls Last walls Ascend to second level weapons (weopons are spread out more than they look) Hill (i made the hill bigger; my xbox wont let me take pics) Download Map Download Gametype
good ideas in the map. i'm not a fan of close range maps, but this one actually becomes even smaller lol
The only thing that would really worry me with this map is everyone rushing towards the weapons to suit up before they go to the hill causing the game to turn more into Slayer than King of the Hill. I like the idea of having the hill completely exposed though so that people can't hide anywhere. Good work.
the game is set up so that the game cant turn into just a slayer or just a hill. you need both for your team to win. and thx for the compliment
Well, I checked it out and I think it is a great concept. The idea of a team slayer game being turned into a hill game is pretty awesome. The map design was Ok, although I thought the walls collapsed in a bit too slowly and the arena wore out its welcome pretty quickly, although it's pretty cool for the first few minutes until the stairs come in. I would also take away some of the second level weapons in your next version, and perhaps putting a few weapons in the area with the hill, though not necessarily in the hill itself. Overall, great concept and I look forward to seeing if you do anything more with it.
alright i am in the process of making slight changes. when its done ill post a versian 2 or just edit the topic