thats pretty good, i would never think of that, looks nicely done but would b better standing up straight but still good
I think in bending over slightly it makes him seem intent on finding a place where he can get more bars for his call. As if he was leaning out a window because he has bad phone service. Funny picture.
Well i found this picture by accident but i wondered "Why does Chief have the antennae?" Thats when it hit me.
No, Chief (in any permutation) has the antennae, but while flying through the air the hand and the antennae lined up that way. No weapons, equipment, or anything was added.
The slogan did it for me lol, im glad to see that you portray chief as an illiterate guy, just like me: "Can you hear chief now?" But seriously good screeny
Thats a great pic The phone looks good but as DRiSCOLL said it would be a little better if he was standing upright but still such a good job