this looks like an effortless job, it can be improved so much with interlocking, i really think your should make a v2 and put more time into it.
Darkend lol its a thrown together map its supose to be that way! are you like def or something cause theres like tons of posts that say *its suposed to be that way* (why do noobs lurk in the cornors of forge hub?)
looks really messy, like you took everything and put it in a pile and called it a map, but i havent played it, so who could be good
I downloaded it and tried it with a bunch of friends, and be to completely honest its about as good as it looks. Next time try putting a little more effort in, it'll pay off in the end.
haybusa ninja you are such a noob like the rest people who said the same thing *ITS THORWN TOGETHER ON PURPOSE GOT IT NOOB?*
yeah this map looks like someone dumped all their trash in the middle and called it a base. It might work but without more pictures or an explanation this just looks extremely sloppy. Don't use your rank to show how "great" you are. I haven't posted a map yet and am still higher than you so it doesn't have anything to do with your rank. just be polite and answer people's coments with respect.
Holy crap! It looks like a whole big mess of scenery put into a big pile. But you can't judge a book by its cover,
wow perilous youve just repeated what ive hurd like 50 times guess what oyur just a follower that reapets what evryone says and why would this get locked whoevr said that? and if you havewn't freaken hurd for the about the 50 millionth time its suposed to be that way!!!!!!!!!!!!!! liusten why won't yall get this threough your head ITS SUPOSED TO BE TRASHED ITS A THROWN TOGETHER MAP ITS SUPOSED TO BE THAT WAY SO YOU PEOPLE WHO DON"T UNDERSTAND ARE HOPELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm only gonna give it a 2/5 the reason is that I don't like how people don't spend a lot of time on a map and just through stuff around and then save it, the game play doesn't even look good enough to Dl. The walls and boxes are sloppy too.
how not dude how not the game play is good ok....... ive played it before we thought it was fun (we- my friends)