FINALLY IT UPLOADED!!!! THAT TOOK WAAAAAAAAAAY TOO LONG!!! (2 days) anyways: NOTE: I had to slim this down, and remove a lot of good parts (which ****ed up the syncing aswell) because of gig max on youtube.(I learned that rather quickly...trying to upload an almost 2gig file) EDIT AGAIN: That person I keep teabagging is Asper =] (on his own map, harharhar)
You had to of left by the time that I had taken the party list sorry =[ I actually forgot to say: And thanks to anyone else who was in the party
looks like an OK video nothing really special, but it shows the maps non-the-less i wish my party had a video, but it'd have to be long and descriptive. Does anyone know what the one sidded Flag on avalanche was called? with the lift and the sniper towers and stuff
I can remember once getting a triple kill while listening to hallejulah. It was cool listening to that while killing.
great movie! i loved the songs! i wish i had gotten in but i had to go to my cabin! that is the 4 or 5 time i've missed out. sweet killion air! i only got one of those in the time that i've played halo 3
I loved it Tex. The only thing you should have added was when one of the mice went up on that rock that one game... That part was hilarious... And the problem with uploading was that you were trying to upload a two gig file...? Tex, you're retarded. Glad you got it to work.
you should of added me and Dragoncoals epic battle for Toochies heart. we were both zombies on cat and mouse and were both trying to kill each other, and this one time that toochie was behind his moongoose they flipped over, and i ran in there and stole toochie with his own mongoose, it was totally epic haha.
lulz, that was part of the the beginning, i was trying to upload a 2gig video...then i learned that was a problem, so i had to take out a lot of sweet parts, and a lot of syncing (could have re-synced, but **** that...). As for the part with one of the mice on the rock, I missed that I missed that aswell, sadfaic... Never said it didn't Thanks though... TO EVERYONE I JUST QUOTED: You all should make a recap next tgif with me, and we'll have a competition for who made the better one (I'm so gunna get toasted, but it'll be fun =] )