The Crag By HumBoysHey all! This is my first contribution to the competitive map section here on forgehub, and I feel it a very good one, too! The map I have created is basically a large mountain-type thingy called the crag. It is also secretly (not really, it's hard to conceal this type of thing) a volcano. It works best for 3-14 players and supports slayer, KOTH, assault, CTF, infection, and territories. BR starts recommended. Now, on to the pictures! Starting with the attacker's base. The flag spawns here during symetrical gametypes. It is also usually where the team spawns, save for infection. This is the second part of the attacker's base. It has a turret, mauler, sniper, and carbine and needler in it. This is a veiw from the turret. An overview of the open space. Great for ghosts and BR fights. A view of the side of the crag. THe shield door has a gravity lift behind it, effectively creating a one way door (you can only exit the base from this point) A different view of the side. Inside the cage there is a hammer mounted on the wall and two spike grenades. This area is accessable from the inside of the base. A veiw of an entrance to the base Inside the base. The base contains a super low ammo rocket, dual spikers, a hammer, two spike grenades, a mongoose, and a warthog. Another view of the inside An overview of the top. It contains a power drain and some spike grenades, along with an alien turret. Thats pretty much it... Thanks for reading! DOWNLOAD MAP Special thanks to testers Tung44, Dusksilencer, EJ7736, Marioman2495, XMT7500, and several others. It's been a special three days. Dang, this was a fast map! I apologize for the fact that this post was bad for so long. Sorry, lightsout. I know I gave you a lot of trouble.
ok, im convinced this is just meaningless spam now, as you are not even online anymore, and its been over an hour. LOCKED. ..unlocked so he can edit
looks alright. i like the building because it looks like a house but then a dome! nice interlocking too! i know that you say the empty space is for br's and ghoust and mongose, but i would like maybe a bit more cover. over all you did preatty good for a first competitive map.
Hey. I'm liking the volcano structure, the interlocking makes it look rough and rugged to its true form, and those fusion coils give it an epic feel (assuming that they're not on instant respawn, as that would prolly cause problems). And the way the volcano forms the curvature underneath in the defenders' base is simply awesome. However, I think the attackers' base might be a bit sloppy, although I can't really tell cause there's only one true pic of it. And as much as you say that the middle is for vehicles and BR's, that much open space just doesn't look good in foundry. You don't need that much cover, just consider a few structures that would allow the attackers to advance somewhere on foot w/o getting massacred. As for now, 7.5/10, but I'm hoping to see either more pics or a v2 with a reformed center and attackers' base (don't touch the volcano).
Very nice suggestion. The base doesn't seem sloppy when played, though. I will release a v2 after some time, I have other forge projects awaiting. (I didn't quote b/c that was a BIG post)
This is a pretty good map and I really like the crag. It is both aesthetic and playable. Very rough looking and ominous. the attacker's base was a little bit of a let down and it seems to funnel everyone out at one point which will be a problem. The defenders could take the wartog and park along the wall on the left of foundry that has been blocked off. From there they have good cover and an unfair dominance over the attackers' exit. I suggest that you add more cover for the attackers and maybe a way for them to use the back tunnels of foundry. This route would be long but it would also place you away from the choke point. Maybe there should be a mancoanon at the end that puches you out so that it's one way although that would make lots of noise Good job. 8/10
i like it the crag thing is sweet nice interlocking i know what you said about the open space but you could put some more stuff in there but still cool so ya nice job
very nice interlocking, it looks messy but when played is alot smoother, good to see a forger who isnt always trying to make everything dead square
The crag is cool but I agree with bluepenguin that there should be a bit more cover in the middle section.
looks good when you showed me it a few days ago i thought that was it and I said to myself ehh doesn't look good but now thats it playable it actually does so I'm downloading it.
looks pretty good and the base looks very detailed, but in the middle it looks a bit open, but besides that looks really good
Hm. The crag. Sounds like a word I've heard before. I haven'treally seen maps like this one, the closest one I can think of is The Cliffs. Just from the pictures alone I don't like the sense of openess. I mean I know you are supposed to run and gun into the Crag but meh, it just looks bland around it.
nice craig. i think this would be good for VIP, or capture the flag, i might check it out. nice first post!
Hold on a sec... are you Brute Captain?? You changed your GT and symbol? I like Brute Captain better IMO ______ but on with the review The first thing I notice on the base is the fence box with the fusion coils nicely tucked into the little space. Very original idea, and does it do damage to people or is it just meant to make it explode like a volcano? The base itself looks like a rounded, rugged structure and not just a square block, very nice work. My main concern I have is that I think you could have geo-merged the fence boxes so that there isn't a bump between the box and the Foundry floor, but it's not necessary. I'm not sure if it would affect your structure either for the better or worse, but in the case of worse you could just keep it like it is right now. I also like the gate area for the attackers, The 2 open boxes that has a fusion coil blow up to make it look like a mini volcano is a cool aesthetic touch. And sorry to be a repeater, but you really do need some more cover between the two bases. And one last concern (sorry) that I have is couldn't someone grenade jump over that wall of double boxes with the little platform and barrels? Overall, though, it's really good for your first competetive one. The funny thing is, my first map submissions on this website have not been competetive too, but if i'm not lazy enough I will post my competetive maps.
I can't remember, but I don't beleive it is set up for VIP. It works very well for FFA and team slayer, and all objective games, though. And to the person above me, thanks for the feedback!