link: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing - X Heaven2hell X If you guys go check it out at bungie it has all the information and screenshots.... It is a very good replica of the halo 2 map Warlock. This map is good for Slayer, Team Slayer, Snipers, Team Doubles, Swords, Shottys and other game variants. It has 4 symetrical sides with quick action and loads of fun for 4 - 6 ppl Max 8! Have fun and keep forging. Special: I am working on a Donkey Kong Map (Like in Halo 2 mods Donkey Kong)!
Forum rules require that you post and embed images to your map and provide a detailed description. You are alloted 24 hours to fix this problem. If you do not know how to upload images please visit the "Controlled Mayhem" tutorial, which has an in depth description on how to upload you images. Also make sure that you read the forum rules. Controlled Mayhem Screenshot Tutorial:" Map Posting Rules: Any further mention in this thread about this maps post standards or the fact that there arent any embedded pics may result in an infraction. so dont.
lol wat the hell. kinda seems a little like spam and considering he said no posting then u said no posting although this isnt about his map standards or pictures i guess its ok to post? i guess u might want to clarrify it to maybe no posting at all lightscout.
ive played a remake of this a few times, but looks good, maybes a little messy, thats all. Bungie should think about doing a full remake of it
ok first of all, your post isnt up to FH standards which i believe a moderator already told you. second i looked at your Bnet post (because i actually have patience) and the pics of the map weren't that good. The map was sloppy and there was no evidence of any interlocking. so i suggest in order to make your next post better. Take time on your map. make a photobucket account and learn how to embed your pics. good luck and see you next time. ~Th3Bl4ckKn1ght