If you want to see this really cool just discovered new invention, come join my game now! TSA Fallenrat send me a FR right now Video Here!!!!! No this machine makes objects hover in the air without dropping ever like granades, vehicles and stuff watch the video it also holds people and if you crouch you will fall so its like a temp hover station join my game and i'll show you it watch the video to see what it is lets just say you throw a granade in it and it vibrates and hovers and makes a tattering sound my invention uses newtons third law every force has an equal and opposite force, the way it works is a have it setup so that two mancannons are facing each other and because they have equal forces once an object is entered into the holding chamber it will stay floating being pushed away from each of the mancannons equally, sometimes the object sways because it has not yet steadied. Like I said hard to explain so please just look at the video and say what you think.
Someone please have a look at this really cool thing I just invented it by accident and its really cool, download the video I would embed it onto youtube but got no camera. Done before??? no i've never seen it and I've searched extensivly give link please
It makes people tatter underneath a bridge or box. But yes, one would suppose it would have a similar effect on grenades.
It is very very common. I invented that the first day I played on Foundry, but it isn't amazing so I didn't tell everyone about it. I guess it could be pretty fun for like a trap or something...but other than that it is pointless.