How does this thread stay at the top? Lol, you haven't actually made a sig for a few weeks for someone other then yourself.
Fixed that pile of crap text for you. It's a Sig Gallery it doesn't say anything about making people sigs =P
Wow Tex sure something good in the world, making fun of me do to spelling mistakes.. What are you trying to make yourself look cool like... wow KILL
The only part of that sentance I understood was "making fun of me due to spelling mistakes"...I wasn't making fun of you rather then making the point that what you said barely made sense, try using punctuation, and correct spelling and I think you would make more sense / be taken more seriously... Btw, I don't have to make myself "look cool like" OH, and don't double post/spam...You will get warned/banned...
Mr Advanced, stop breaking rules! And hurting maii feelingz Don't double post in mai thread, you'll make it look bad =P
I'd like to request a sig. I'd like it to be sort of be like zstrike's. In the left corner I'd like to have Gobbles (you can google search "gobbles south park" to find a good pic of just gobbles) The main color would be dark maroon, and most of the accents would be gold. The name gobbles would be more centered than in zstrike's sig, and I'd like the font to just be big bold letters, nothing too special, just as long as the letters are thick. ooks like they are popping outAlso, I'd like to have the letters to be 3D but the backs of the letters would just go backwards and shrink into the distance, so it looks like they are popping out. ( it's the best I can explain it ). And the sides of the letters ( the parts that shrink to make it look popping out could multi-colored. That's all I can think of, but if you have an idea for a sig for me, go ahead and make it because I won't be too picky.
I'm pretty sure I warned you... But you know... I did tell you to read the front page before requesting a sig =] In the words of Johnny Storm; FLAME ON!
Sorry, I was getting pretty tired and started dozing off so it took me a while to type the post and you gave me the warning while I was still typing it. If you need me to re-do the request, I will.
Yeah, I sort of did. Did I request wrong, or was I supposed to add the I heart gays thing to my sig, or something else.
I think you need to go back to the original post in this thread, like I told you to in the first place. Then read the blue sentence at the top of the page.
use the command around what ever... and that will happen Code: lol the command is [ code][ /code] without the spaces.