sometimes when i start up a game on my 360, the game doesnt start and it goes into DVD mode. then a message appears with a white background and it says, "please enter this disc into an Xbox 360 console" wat the heck? why does it think it's a DVD player?!?
maybe the disc is super badly scratched. A few moths ago I think I got that message when I played Halo 3 and it was because it was in really bad condition.
yea... to fix it clean off your disc... use your shirt or a soft non scratchy material. WARNING: Do NOT clean in a circular motion... this will damage the disc more... clean by starting at the middle of the disc and going in an outward motion. If this does not help; goto game stop or block buster and get a disc cleaning liquid. Or Get a new Disc
i didn't quite need help with this, because i just open the tray then close it again and it works. but thanks anyway, this way i'll know what to do if they open and close thing doesnt work anymore.
Yes and like the people above me said its scratched or has finger marks on it so just try cleaning and hopefully youll be fine.
It happens to me alot, I just run it under a tap and then dry it off and it works fine after that, for another day or two.
It could be a slightly damaged disc. It could also be your DVD drive freaking out a little, I know mine had been doing that on and off for a while.
my CD is scratched up enough where I can't play past a certain lvl in campaign, but I can still forge and play online and what not. Also it usually takes me at least 5 tries to get the xbox to finally read Halo 3!!! It gets REALLY annoying. I've been waiting for my bro to bring his disc cleaner for awhile, but he hasn't brought it over yet.