Bungie Day- What are your theory's?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by CPV18, Jun 27, 2008.

  1. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Well how do you like that, foiled with green words.
  2. PwnCakes

    PwnCakes Ancient
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    This is the decimal number "180355071" binary "1010101111111111111111111111".
    When programming, the 0x prefix denotes that the following number is hexidecimal format.

    Also BFFFFF is hex for a cyan-like color.

    "^&-$x%^^p3@" played backwards: "@3p^^%x$-&^" The first part of the backwards code looks like, "At 3 PM" in leet sp33k. Also, in this backwards code there is "%x$" which could some how relate to "Percentage in Money" which could relate to them lowering the price of Cold Storage. - at 3 pm. All run in it looks like "at 3 PM we're going to lower the price of cold storage, we dont care about our money going up [-&^]that might sound a little far fetched but what ever.

    But like some more un-technical guesses there going to have a Double EXP playlist where you can choose between H2H, Swat, Slayer; or It will randomly come up everytime you run through a match.

    I read over on bungie forums that the error code [5929] is some reference to some-thing chinese meaning sky i also have no idea what this has to do with anything.

    But i dont really know its all probablly just random number...

    All i know for bungie day im going to play atleast 7 hrs of Halo :)
    #22 PwnCakes, Jun 30, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2008
  3. bnasty574

    bnasty574 Ancient
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    the only flaw in your post =]
  4. PwnCakes

    PwnCakes Ancient
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    what do you mean?
  5. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    I agree. Double XP would not get the job done for me after all their hype. Double XP weekends just take away all credibility for someone's experience to games played ratio.
  6. Citizyn Raven

    Citizyn Raven Ancient

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    Off Topic: What the hell is wrong with the BR? Is it because it takes skill to use now?

    On Topic: Free Cold Storage
  7. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    Please read the rest of the responses in this thread before you ask a question already asked.
  8. SGT HAD3S

    SGT HAD3S Ancient
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    I think that if we get 7 million kills in campaign they will let us download cold storage off the marketplace?
  9. PwnCakes

    PwnCakes Ancient
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    most likely, NO. Because they would have atleast hinted about it in the whole post or the code. But they'll probably do something really really cool if we get 7mil... most likely people with an INSANE amount of Campaign Kills will get recon or somthing :)
  10. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
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    I stand by the fact that it'll be nothing exciting.

    Some double XP (ooooo ... goody [/sarcasm]) ... a 7/7 humpday on Cold Storage (oooo ... more goody [/sarcasm]) ... and maybe a full-on look at Cold Storage. How fun.

    Hope they prove me wrong though.
  11. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    Well they made an announcement on Bungie, you get downloadable halo gamerpics and themes for one day only. It was also hinted at in the announcements concerning 2x Exp weekends that there would be a 2x Exp day. I think it's also safe to say they will give away Cold Storage for free. I would be very surprised at this point if I am wrong.

    As far as the campaign kills go, I'm not sure what they have in store for that, if anything. I doubt it will be recon armor, as it seems that bungie is pretty strictly set on that only being for bungie employees and their close friends/family. If you get recon-anything it will probably only be the helmet. That's what anyone who's ever received recons gotten.

    I'm a little disappointed that I will be gone on vacation during bungie day and thus will be unable to partake in the 2x day, which I'm sure is going to be fun (2x Exp for every matchmaking gametype? that would be sweet!), and the downloads. But who knows, maybe it will be like it was when COD4 unleashed their mappack and everyones 360 went caboodle because there was so much downloading going on haha. Oh well...
  12. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    No if you get recon you have the whole thing,digitalph33r has the full thing,you can see during part 1 of the arby n the chief movie.
    Heres hoping cold storage comes out.should be a fun day regardless
  13. JaceMc

    JaceMc Ancient
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    It'd be awesome if they got a massive 7th column symbol to cover the entire wall.
  14. philthyphillup

    philthyphillup Ancient
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    I.....Would...........LOVE THAT! that would be the coolest thing ever, but unfortunately i dont think they will.....
    many popes likes this.

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