Save Yourself

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by crymsonnite, Jul 1, 2008.

  1. crymsonnite

    crymsonnite Ancient
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    When push comes to shove, save yourself.

    I spent 6 hours at least making this map perfect.
    I have not tested with more than 6 people, so I'd be happy if anyone could test it some for me.
    I've always wanted to make a good zombie map, one where not only do the humans have a good time, but the zombies have an ok time too.

    Weapon List: Not how many
    Battle Rifles
    Sniper Rifles
    Rocket launcher
    Deployable cover

    And finally

    Zombies spawn outside the map, but how do they get over the stairs?
    30 seconds in, a man cannon to let them over to the teleporter
    Human spawn, left side, weapons only spawn once
    The halway between where the zombie teleporter goes(right room)
    the shields are to prevent spawn camping the zombies
    the first thing you see after you leave the spawn. Mainly just because that spot was empty.
    The main human base, the door in front is the idea directly from SlasheI2's Wall of Coolness
    and inside the room is a deployable cover to try to block the door.
    Side view of the main base, there's a top floor withe bruteshot and a second way in/out of the bottom floor, whats behind the base? you'll have to see for yourself, it could very well be nothing
    and then we have
    x Blagdon 13 x's House......yeah... he added it and I kept it cause I had no ideas for that corner
    and it's actually not that bad
    a filler area, little nooks and crannys, a few weapons, its just to take up space mainly
    the gas station/loading dock, complete with truck cab and trailer, separate from each other
    inside of the gas station, here's a hint, the owner always has a smoke at 3:00
    a better view of the inside of the truck, its fully loaded
    and the safety capsule, i took this from Dthen's fort : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
    it spawns at 3 minutes and lasts the last minute, so if somebody goes in without you, you got a minute to go.

    The whole idea of this map is communication and teamwork.
    Hide together or alone, but keep somebody watching for the zombies, and somebody keep track of the time, don't close the door til everyone's in.
    and if you can figure out the whole smoking hint, I give you a cookie.
    Map download: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
    Gametype download: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing

    Enjoy, Rate, Comment, Whatever, just please try it, I seriously think I did some of my best work here.

    UPDATE: I'll be trying to get a game together to play it, so if you wanna play just send me a message

    Cryms0n N1t3
    #1 crymsonnite, Jul 1, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2008
  2. monkeyrantz

    monkeyrantz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    the maps nice in all - but even though u do have cover in the open area, it still has that open feeling (because of lack of height objects) which i believe most players dont enjoy, so try adding more height?
    good work
    try releasing a second version later
    but seriously nice map - great layout for a zombie map
    #2 monkeyrantz, Jul 1, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2008
  3. crymsonnite

    crymsonnite Ancient
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    what exactly do you mean by "height"?
    cause i don't think i could do much else to it, I am also out of money on it so...
    but thanks for the review none the less
    #3 crymsonnite, Jul 1, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2008
  4. Oakly HiDef

    Oakly HiDef RivalMass
    Senior Member

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    This is a good infection map but could use some reworking.
    -what are the zombie traits?

    What I liked:
    -zombie spawn outside
    -good merging for bases
    -nice aesthetic work on the gas station

    What you could fix:
    -open ground that people complain about. Try to add more interesting features in open areas. You should geomerge walls into the ground to make small obstacles. Fence walls in the gound placed upside down could serve as barbed wire around some of your bases

    -"A filler area, little nooks and crannys, a few weapons, its just to take up space mainly"... try to make all the parts of your map usable and spend time on them so they aren't just fillers. Otherwise the game will always gravitate around a single strucure which could get repetative.

    -The safety capsule is a good idea but might not work. There isn't much incentive to go in there as you will just sit around for a minute. Much more fun to take the risk and fight the infected outside.

    Over all its a 8/10. good work
  5. Pro NZ Assassin

    Pro NZ Assassin Ancient
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    Hey man, if you hav problems with money u shud use the Money Glitch Map, its really great!

    Anywayz it looks like a very good map.... good job keep up the work...

    If you want the Foundry Infinite Money Map.... Check my Fileshare (Pro NZ Assassin) or you could also get it off forgehub.... so yea
  6. crymsonnite

    crymsonnite Ancient
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    - 75% gravity 110% speed and i changed the forced color to "zombie" rather then black, otherwise its default
    -thank you, i work fairly hard on aesthetics as I make movies and like everything interesting
    -the filler area was a filler area, but I did do some work on all but the first one, the one in question has a room with a door half way and a respawning pallet the other half, you can go in, but its hard to go out, and the pallet is instant respawn, there is also a fence wall at the back
    there are a few ways up top, and there is a br in the second tunnel and a shotgun up top
    -and about the safety capsule, zombies start off 50% of the players to make it interesting at the start, i mean it has to be for a 4 minute game, this map plays out a good amount like this one I am legend map i found, except there's no little spot at the bottom of the stairs to camp, its all open area, in the I am legend, its a little door behind a shield door, in mine its a big door in the middle of it all, open area and WAY more chance for zombies, but still a good chance for humans

    I'm glad you like it, thanks for the review, I'll work on small obstacles, more open area, and height like monkey suggested

    first of all, please proofread your post and make it at least a little more intelligible, second, I half way refuse to use the money glitch because that is not the way bungie meant us to use it, I may use it to redo my Ascension remake I made, but otherwise nty

    (the version of my remake is in my fileshare now if you want it "The tower of power" 5th slot)
    #6 crymsonnite, Jul 1, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2008
  7. Oakly HiDef

    Oakly HiDef RivalMass
    Senior Member

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    This will require you to start the map over again.

    If you really want to redo everything then go ahead but i'm pretty sure his glitched map will have a stack of objects in the right side of foundry over by your gas station which might be anoying.

    Once you have infinite money it will be easier to boost this map to a 9 or 10. In the process of remaking your map you could redo some of the things that aren't done well in the original.
  8. crymsonnite

    crymsonnite Ancient
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    well if I ever feel like taking another 6 hours to redo it i'll go ahead, and it'll probably take longer cause all the errors i had to fix the first time, and adding stuff, i don't think i could handle it, it took almost 2 hours to get the two way door to work perfectly like it does
  9. Oakly HiDef

    Oakly HiDef RivalMass
    Senior Member

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    yeah its annoying to redo your map completely. I suggest that you don't redo it. Maybe just learn from this and use it in your next map. Right now I am in Europe and can't check your map out. I would love to as it seems fun. I have been able to come up with a detailed plan for a new map called Holdout Requiem so if you want to we could trade off ideas and maybe you could hep me test it.
  10. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    this is the first time i've seen a zombie spawn outside the map and have to come in, thats a good idea, and original, another thing i liked is the shield doors and how they prevent camping, are teh zombies one shot or...?
    b/c if they are it can be easy to still camp
  11. crymsonnite

    crymsonnite Ancient
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    one shot with point blank shotgun or rockets, otherwise, no
  12. the persister2

    the persister2 Ancient
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    nice job man, this map looks good, but I still need to play it first.
  13. CPV18

    CPV18 Ancient
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    This looks awesome. I am going to DL it. Is the teleporter one way though? And the smoking hint is fusion coils blow up at that time because it is a gas station and if you smoke near it it will explode.
  14. crymsonnite

    crymsonnite Ancient
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    the teleporter is two way so that i can make any additions needed out there, but who would wanna go out there, you couldn't get past the stairs

    and you are wrong on the smoking hint
  15. David 118

    David 118 Ancient
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    I bet a flamethrower appears thats to do with smoking?
  16. crymsonnite

    crymsonnite Ancient
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    cookie time, yeah, i mean, he needs something to light it with
  17. Da Pig

    Da Pig Ancient
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    At 03:00 a flame grenade spawns?
    Great map I like infection maps. My favorite part must be x Blagon 13 x's house. I like the window. I will download this for sure! But I'll have to rate it 3.5/5 because the map looks sloppy in some/many places. Don't let the rating get you down, it's over than average!(4/5-0.5/5) :) I will look forward to seeing a v2(wich I will download right away ;) )
  18. keroro44

    keroro44 Ancient
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    its a pretty good map exept for the emptyness and it looks like you went out of your way to make it not as empty and i think it should be a flow and you shouldn't go out of your way to think of structures. That's just my opinion i would give it 3/5.
  19. St0weboarder

    St0weboarder Ancient
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  20. Jakattak418

    Jakattak418 Ancient
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    i like the map but in my opinion its just way to open i like the saftey thing but i have seen it before still good though so ya nice job

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