THIS IS ABOUT MATCHMAKING Well I'm starting to get bored with halo, yes I still love playing customs and doing some forge. But matchmaking... is turning very repetitive. Same ol' thing. I really only like MLG playlist. I don't really like playing it because I'm only lvl 8 in it and ITS STILL ANNOYING. I try look for a dedicated team to get my 45, but all the people on here just play customs and all my XBL friends/RL friends don't play matchmaking, (they play cod 4 or just customs). Well I'm buying cod 4 and BF Bad company next week. So maybe i will turn to cod 4 good. Or maybe i'll do some customs now an again. But I think I'm done with matchmaking, FOR GOOD.
Noo im not gunna stop forgehub, just most likely hang out it the off-topic/general chat/gaming discussion/debating section. Not really maps.
I got a friend that's getting over Halo also. He's sick of it, but I think it's the fact that he isn't the best at it like it used to be. Yea, the MM grind, sucks, although you could resort to hiding tactics, like I'm thinking about... It's funny to watch the game video, seeing the people scrambling around attempting to find you.
I haven't forged in about two month's, but I think I might start on some of my old idea's I never got around to, I think I just need a break.
I got over Halo like 3 months ago. I started to play CoD4, and once I got to level 55 and didn't want to prestige, I went back to Halo
I agree that its startin to get old. I want to play Tiger Woods 08 and any baseball game and...really not halo. COD4 is still boring. I've never liked it.
ForgeHub Halo Forums - Matchmaking Team(s) That is all you need. Try to find someone willing to play with you.
I think halo 3 will be eventually be reduced to only the hardcore fans that arent getting over halo 3 and are not buying new games. Halo 1 and 2 were very successful because they were the few good games for the Halobox. But the results of forging is great because other players do not need to download the maps which is one good thing of it not being a map maker. Custom options are by far probobly the best out of ANY game without modding. If both of these aspects were added into matchmaking it could save the game. So far none of this (other than Double EXP weekend + Covies) has bin done.
I get bored of Halo every now and again. I really don't think it's the game too much, though it is partly. My main reason is that all of the people that I played Halo 2 with don't play anymore. Other than Two people. That's why I get bored most of the time, but I still play. The other reason is glitching. In Halo 2, you could get out of almost anything, mostly it was easy. And it was fun. I loved Halo 2 glitching. But in Halo 3, it takes longer, and there is usually nothing out there, just a big place to walk. There are a couple good spots, but that's it.
I'm over laggy gameplay and a useless matchmaking system. I love Halo for all its other features though.
yea i stopped playing halo also. Playing CoD4 now. I loved halo 1 and 2 but 3 has its flaws. Sometimes it just feels like the game is against you...
This discussion is depressing -_- Just thought I'd point that out. Also: COD4 is no more fun then halo...main difference is, you'll get bored with that much quicker.
i understand matchmaking can get boring, but just play with friends or forge more. and cod 4 is 1/2 the game halo 3 is. and i heard bad company sucks!
And Halo 2 didn't have flaws? I have felt the same way as the OP at times and still do, but I just try to keep the game fresh. When I get frustrated trying to achieve a level 50, I just play MLG playlist and customs. It is so much more fun to get a competitive custom with friends than to deal with the BS that MM is. Also, if you enjoy MLG like it sound like, I recommend creating a gamebattles team because you get players taking the games seriously and not quitting like normal customs, but they aren't frustrating at all unless you are trying to go pro. No need to be such a douche.
I dont want someone I've never even talked to before telling everyone, "Sorry guys I'm leaving." It's not like somebody major is leaving, and really, who cares?
If you've been exclusively playing Halo and nothing else, then no wonder. You need to mix it up a bit.
I hear you. It's getting incredibly tiring going into matchmaking only to be hit again and again with the same strategies, all the time by immature ****ing teenagers. Power *****, power *****, power *****, hide when we get a minimal lead, run away if we don't have powers, power ***** if we lose the lead, power ***** some more, hide some more, Tbag and trash talk to your heart's content when the game ends. I still play matchmaking, I still enjoy it, but I believe I understand entirely why playing the same game types over and over against douchebags who are all similar in their attitudes would get a little frustrating.