On March 14th a tragedy in our family occured, My older brother was hit and killed by a drunk driver. If only that --- i cant say it on this site, had waited till the morning to get where he had to go , My brother Marcus would still be alive I have logged on here because i have seen other posts about someones friend passing away, i wanted to say that i will be continuing his account because this was his favorite hobby He would walk in that door from school, shoes off, backpack up, DOWNSTAIRS to play. upstairs at 6, eat, play some more I was wondering if we could put something together for him, such as a memorial, on foundry i tried creating a funeral map, but i discontinued it. I dont really know what else to say May the legacy of --White D3vIL 911--- live on Does anyone think we could forge a big cross on standoff? idk what to do really, i was just seeing if i could make this aware, and do something in his dedication
If you are being serious, I am so sorry. If you are not, than it makes sense that your title is "Forget this*"
thats sad man... my grandma passed away recently too, i never really knew her, she lived in a different country
Man I am sorry for your loss I was hit I can relate in a way I was hit by a drunk driver before you and your family have my best wishes dude.
Well, I am very very sorry, but two things, sorry to be so mean, but this looks like a joke as the title is "*forget this" and this isn't in the right section. Sorry, again.
Well I'm sorry to say, but that is hard to believe. If you look at your recent posts you have been posting since the 20th. Unless your brother was using a different account on Forge Hub that I don't know about, but why wouldn't you tell us the day of, or at least a few days after? Again I'm sorry for your loss if there was one, but I am going to need more proof.
Thats awful.I can help you built something on standoff or foundry. my gt's infected6dreams, ill be on tomorrow, message me then. =]
I'm also sorry if this is true. But if your brother just died why would you come on a Halo website and talk about shouldn't you be mourning about it or pay him respect then coming on here.
If you were talking to me: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/group.php?gid=9856418097 and how come all these old topics keep popping up?