So, I don't have Gears 1. Alright, I'm ready: flame me. I've played it once or twice, but never really played through campaign, at my cousin's house, or at friend's houses. The reason I want to buy it, is because I really want to get Gears 2, and I want to actually have played through one. Like Halo, for example, I've never played through Halo CE or Halo 2, but I know all about Halo 3. But my question is, should I buy Gears now? Should I get it used? Should I just rent it? If you say yes, just know that if I do buy it, I'll be buying the two-disc version with the extra stuff. Thanks for the help, E btw, here are some of the prices and yes, I´m still alive...
you should definitely buy it and play around with it a bit to see if you'd even like the second one. get used to the raw multiplayer. the single player shouldn't take you too long to get through at all (and there isn't much of the story to catch up on) if you have some extra cash go for it, or just rent it.
I started playing it again to get back into shape for GoW2 and I can play with you and train you up if you want, I used to be semi-pro, then Halo 3 came out and I stopped playing.
I rented it once and completed it in an afternoon. Despite what anyone may say, the Single-Player in that game is truly awesome.
Personally I only bought the game for the online, but like GoodWhaleSushi said, the Campaign is really good. It can also help you to learn tricks you can use in online play =]
I'm a "collectors edition junkie" as it seems you might be too. I have the collectors ed. of gears one and its ok. The dvd doesn't have a ton of stuff and the art book is kind of cool but I'm sure its the game you're looking at. Honestly, I loved it. Its a great game and you should definitely get it (or at least play through it) before moving on to gears 2. Edit: I just realized you probably meant the new edition of gears coming out and not the collectors edition. If that's what you meant disregard what i said.
Single player is great but at this point you will probably get owned in every match you enter in multiplayer ( I should know, I rented it a week ago.) So maybe a rental.
I'd rent it first. Personally, I don't find it to be worth the money. The single player is great fun, but it just doesn't last. The multiplayer is just flat-out not fun to me. It's not that it's poorly done, it's just not fun. The way it plays just feels so wrong. Of course, so many people love it, so there must be something that can be found in it that's worth paying for a copy.
How could you not have gotten Gears of War already? It's got an epic campaign. Along with a reat multiplayer system. ( Scratch that...****ing chainsaw glictchers...) But everythings got it's bugs. And a little sidenote: Don't usually buy your games used. ( I usually don't support Gamestop...Cheap bastards...)You can use Gamefly instead. But, i'd just buy it if i were you. I still pop in the game like everyday. ( I even played it instead of GTA4 when I bought it =P) But iether way. Just buy the damn game, before you get murderd by the god of gaming =D
You're stupid and I hate you! Gears of War is 100% pretty alright. You could probably blow through the game's campaign with just a rental. The multiplayer is fun, and though it did kill a lot of my time in its heyday, I'd say that it just does not hold a candle to Halo 3. So I'm not sure if you'd want to buy it just for the campaign and probably a limited amount of time with the multiplayer. But it's your call, brah.
10/10 game in my opinion.. just the lag, and not many players online anymore, but you can still easily find a player game.
Seems like maybe its just me, but I truly hated the online play. The campaign is entertaining enough, if a little short. Good fun with a friend playing co-op too, but definitely only worth renting in my opinion.
how about this, if you get it i'll happily pop in gears of war for the first time in forever and play it with you. see, i lack people on my friends list who still rock GoW.
I'd still play it all the time, just have nobody on my friends list that play. That's why I'm begging for GOW 2
I'd still play it all the time, just have nobody on my friends list that play. That's why I'm waiting for GOW 2
At this point, it's a close call between buying and renting, so get it used if you can. Pros: Graphics are still some of the best on the 360 It's easy to get hooked on the campaign, some of the fights (ex: Berserkers) will get your heart pounding, and the characters are extremely badass Torque bow and chainsaw never get old Unique online experience that's more based on teamwork and cover (because of no respawns) than Halo or Cod4 Easy enough on Casual, definitely challenging on Insane (esp. solo) Co-op is great if you've got a friend to play with Cons: Campaign is rather short, and 30 Cog tags are the only collectibles Online play is plagued by lag, host advantage, and bugs/glitches, much more so than Halo or Cod4 Story itself is rather weak and unexplained, although it's prolly a good idea to pay attention so as to understand GoW2 There is a 90% chance that any success you have online will be because you are (according to the online community) either "host", a "*** tagger", a "glitcher", or an "active reload *****" (only r3al menz get teh h3adshottz) No online ranking system, although that does mean people can't complain about how broken it is
i played it a few times at a friends house when it first came out and i wasn't half bad, (i spent alot of time at that friends house) then i played it again for the first time in a while a week ago and i was suprised people still play it, its kinda old, but they were really good and i got a few kills, not many
Do not feel bad for not buying it. I wish i hadn't. In my own opinion, its one of the most overrated games EVER, along-side GTA4, its nothing short of Dull. I purchased the collectors edition, simply because (as someone said earlier), i'm a collectors edition Junkie, but i rue spending my monies on it.
Are you joking? GTA? GTA is only one of the best games ever. You can do anything you´d like, run around, play online, and do missions. Please explain why GTA is so bad in your eyes... ---------------------- Update: I´m borrowing his Gears 1 for about a year (since I won´t be seeing him for about a year cause he lives here in Brazil), and it´s kinda like if I were getting it used. And it´s in pretty good condition