Well, neither of these were me but they are the best sticks I have seen yet... [youtube]http://youtube.com/watch?v=NsfOQuDjYco[/youtube] [youtube]http://youtube.com/watch?v=iFyYRKSgi4g[/youtube]
Ive seen the first one before, it's pretty much luck, but a good stick none the less. The second one was pretty nice, although it was luck too.
You can't really get sticks like that with just skill. Things like that will always take luck - and a lot of it.
I agree fully. There is no way someone could do that with only skill... Here are two more I have found... [youtube]http://youtube.com/watch?v=spHTtnpLiik[/youtube] [youtube]http://youtube.com/watch?v=2y-N8iHMU4E[/youtube]
These videos are so annoying to watch. "So i was playing Halo one time. And i was like "i am going to get the stickies" ...so i did. And then i was like "i am going to throw one" ... and OMG I so stuck this guy from like across teh map" **linkin park or other equally crappy soundtrack playing** **multiple replays and slow-mo shots**
I have to agree with Titmar on that one, a LOT of videos are done by people who have either bad taste in music or don't know how to properly show off a video... or more specifically BOTH. I've seen some PRETTY bad ones in my day...
Ok, I would have to agree with you guys, but what music specifically should go with clips? I think they show the same clip 4-5 times so you can see it clearly and grasp what is going on. Only the thing is, they need to show it from different angles. Max 2 times shown seems good however. One normal, one from a different angle.
You're wrong, they dont need to show it 4-5 time, they just need to show at most 2 angles. If i need to replay it, i will rewind the video, or pause it on my own to see what happenend
Thank the gods I'm not the only one who despises Linkin Park. I normally stay away from most of the "greatest pwn evah" videos, but sometimes they are fun to watch. But man, do those songs annoy me. I haven't heard a good choice of music on these montages yet that doesn't make me want to jab something sharp in my ear. There is much better rock to choose from, kids... sorry if I got off topic.
Rofl, I accidently put the wrong word in. I was at school in my computer repair class using Microsoft Virtual PC so I didn't have much time. I corrected it above^
Hey, that is not cool, if anyone else didn't notice Linkin Park is my pic here. I like watching completely random sticks, I once clipped a warthog with a spike grenade across the map when two people were boarding it.
Even if these were planned or staged it will still be incredibly hard to do, which therefore makes them real.
What the hell? Wrong video dude... Anyway, Linkin Park has some good songs. But it is true that most vids have super metal scream-o going...