it looks like a good idea, but I think you should test it out before you publish it, maybe even make a map?
I've been trying to stress this multiple times. If you guys would read beyond the title and the one picture you would realize this. Sorry, it's just a little bit frustrating. One of the main features of this gametype is that it DOES NOT NEED A MAP. It works on any map that is currently available. As stated before, I find it a little pointless to make a map for a gametype that doesn't need one. Plus what if the map I made didn't please everyone? Then my gametype fails because of the map made for it. It's just a gametype, not a map, there will never be a map that I make for it. You can use ANY MAP for the gametype. If you want one that bad, you can make one for it yourself, but it's really not necessary. Just load up Last Resort or The Pit and play it on there. and @ Spitfire, I've done some testing, just not on every map or with every party size.
very original and it seems fun. I was just wondering though, if a grunt kills a brute couldn't it just pick up his bruteshot and then the game would be a little bit unbalanced
So I've found in recent games taht the rounds tend to be a little too long, by that point the Brutes are almost all gone. So I'll be posting the v2 one here in a few days after I get back from my vacation. I'm also considering making some slight adjustments to make the Brutes slower. Otherwise the game seems to be playing well. If anyone has any feedback for me, that would be great! But for now you guys can just change it up how you see fit on your game by doing editing the gametype in custom games, but I'm pretty sure most of you already know how to do that.
i like how most of the people saw that one picture and went all the way down to the bottom and posted "i can't tell from that one pic" or "this isn't much of a map" anyways this sounds really fun. a little bit different... although i didnt read all of what you said i did read alot of it. It sounds well thought out and fun. I've always wanted a infection game type without swords. 5/5 most though out game type ever
Thanks! Yeah I'll get V2 up shortly. As I mentioned earlier it will make the rounds shorter. Currently their at 10 minutes and I'm thinking about dropping them down to about 5. I've found that if the grunts are able to get their act together right off the bat they can pretty much swarm and pick off the brutes pretty well in the first few minutes when the brutes are still getting their bearings. The shorter time should make it more balanced and make surviving as a brute no longer a super hard task.
Very well thought-out gametype. Just so unique. I love it! I'm definitely going to DL v2 when you post it.
Updated to V2! I held off on updating for awhile (mostly due to laziness), but now I finally have V2 up. The changes made are minor but should have a considerable effect on gameplay. Rounds are cut from 10 minutes to 5 minutes, and last man standing gets an extra boost in damage-dealing, going from what was normal damage to now 110% normal damage. Reasons for change: Rounds - the long 10 minute rounds made almost every game end in Brutes suffering defeat. That isn't what is supposed to be happening. The 10 minute rounds made Grunts & Brutes not all that different than any old game of infection in that it was play until all are zombies. With the new 5 minute rounds, things are a little quicker paced and it's no longer uncommon to see the Brutes come out on top. Last Man Standing - This really isn't a big change, going from 100% to 110%, it's simply to give the last Brute one little boost to help them survive. Granted that it isn't much when you have a whole party against you, but if the Grunts can't get their act together and work as a team then that extra 10% damage boost might be the difference between a close call and a vicious demise. So hope you all enjoy! Feel free to give me feedback on your gaming experience or post pictures of you game!
sounds pretty sweet i love the idea of being a weak little grunt have to take on powerful brute superiors. i think if its possible to make the alpha grunt have a needler(like in the campaign)