Hello there, I ventured onto this site by happenstance and was immediately very interested. I'm not going to claim to be a great mapper, becuase I am far from such a thing. Though i do try and I have fun doing it. i think thats what truly counts when forging. I look forward to being a big part in this community and sharing my creations with you all. Also wouldn't mind playing some games on others maps, Love to in fact. so peace out ~Inferno
Arrgh, I be a pirate, and you be a new comer on tis giant vessel we know as forge hub. Welcome aboard ye lad, stay and post, and dont fead the yavimayan. (you better feel speical, i normaly dont try and be creative in intro posts. )
Modesty? check Forges for fun, not downloads and recognition? check Wants to be part of the community? check Likes to actually play on custom maps? check Judging by all that I'm guessing you're going to be a great addition to the community. Welcome to Forge Hub. Watch out for pirate penguins. Lol, Yavi is one of the Guilders.
Thanks furious Right now i am working on a map on last resort thats only water Its proving to be quite challenging actually seeing as how I have to block off access to land My idea is that pallettes float so boat esque i had it to where grav lifts push back as you try to drift ashore but it is giving me alot of grief...
Hey, im only a pirate penguin once, but you gotta watch your back, im a ninja penguin full time. Lunatic, that sounds like a decent idea for a map, just keep at it, a good map takes time, and effort to look good, and play well.
you forgot Soda, cursing, frustration, then comes Satisfaction..and pride(or complete shame and self-pity)