Pan-Cam Pictures

Discussion in 'Screenshot Discussion' started by SpoRkeR, Jun 22, 2008.

  1. SpoRkeR

    SpoRkeR Ancient
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    I see somebody else's thread about these 'Pan-Cam' shots, and somebody even posted a tutorial, but it's very crude and hard to follow. Can somebody describe in detail exactly how to do this 'Pan-Cam' thing?
  2. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    I believe it's:

    Hold Down: Left Bumper, Right Bumper, Left Stick, Right Stick, A, And D-Pad Up, In A Custom Game. After the numbers come up: Switch to D-Pad Left While Holding The Rest Down Still. It should say pan-cam instead of normal. Then go to Forge, kill yourself as the monitor, and go to theater. Pause the film when you die. Now hold the D-Pad Up button until you get a big number, like 300,000 or something. Try to go through barriers. When you get where you want, go back to a speed of like 25 or so. possibly higher.
  3. SpoRkeR

    SpoRkeR Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank you so much. Does this have to be done in Local or XBL?
  4. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Local, sorry, thats a bit important.
    You can go into private chats and stuff though, I don't understand local. =P
  5. SpoRkeR

    SpoRkeR Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the help, +rep.
  6. SpoRkeR

    SpoRkeR Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It's not working, WTH? I don't understand. I do everything you say, and I cannot break the barrier. Does it have to be in monitor when I kill myself, and does it have to be near a barrier?
  7. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yes, and no.
    Tell me first, before, I try to explain whats wrong, are there white numbers where it says [pan cam] on the far right of the numbers?
  8. SpoRkeR

    SpoRkeR Ancient
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    Yes, let me tell you what I have so far. I am trying this on standoff, I went into custom game on Standoff, did the button combo, got the numbers. Changed it to pan cam. Then I switched to forge and I flew down off the edge. Then I went into film, I go there and I raise the number to like 312,423 and I try to go forward in first person, that doesn't work. Then I go into free cam, I go extremely fast into a barrier. I sit there holding forward for like 30 seconds and I still can't get past the barrier.
  9. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    Okay, I think you're doing it right.

    Pause it when you die as monitor.

    It should only take a second or two to go through a barrier. Try raising the number, I think it goes up to like...infinite. 300,000 works for me, but I've seen 3,000 work for another, just try to raise the number, but don't go crazy high - c'us then you'll glitch up.

    And my suggestion, for the first time, instead of going straight at a barrier, go up, I think that button is RB? whatever it is, just go straight up the first time.
  10. SpoRkeR

    SpoRkeR Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I got it now, thank you so much!
  11. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
    Senior Member

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    no problem, just mess around with it a bit and it'll get easier to move around out there.
  12. Triplicate

    Triplicate Ancient
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    I just wrote up a guide on this for someone on BNet... might as well post it here.

    First, make sure you have default controls. It might work with others, but I think the button combinations are different.

    Start up a custom game. MAKE SURE your party type is set to Local, or else it won't work. In the game, hold down left bumper, right bumper, left stick (click it down), A, and up on the D-Pad. You may have to get creative with your hand positioning to press them all down at once. Hold them and some numbers will come up on the screen. You'll definitely know when you see it. Next, click and hold down the left and right sticks (you can let go of the other buttons you had held down) and press Left on the D-Pad. The text at the end of the number string should now say "Pan-Cam". Now, end the game.

    Go into Forge and start a session on the map you want to pan-cam out of. Kill yourself in monitor form. My favorite ways are to either fly off the ledge if the level has a bottomless pit, or lay down some Trip Mines and fly into them. Once you are dead, end this game as well.

    Now, go into Theater. Watch the video. Note that you cannot go back or fast forward. Once you get to where the monitor dies, pause and switch to free float (press Y). If you cannot go into free float, restart the film, go into free float at the very beginning, then pause after you die. Anyway, once you are dead and in free float, you can press up or down on the D-Pad and the number at the end of the string will increase or decrease. This is how fast your camera moves. Change it to the 50,000 - 500,000 range (depends on the size of the map, it will take some practice to get the knack for how high it should be), and try to push outside the map. If you get past one barrier, just push past the other barrier and you're done. If you didn't get out of the map, just set the number a bit higher and try again.

    Once you are outside the map, set the number down to the 10-100 range and you can fly around and take whatever screenshots you want!
    Some miscellaneous things:

    * When you are in Theater, instead of using LB and RB to change your altitude, you have to use LT and RT.

    * The first three numbers in the string are your X, Y, and Z coordinates.

    * If any of your coordinates changes to 50,000 (it might be 500,000, I can't remember) and you can't do anything to change it, you will have to restart the film.

    * If you get lost, move around and try to get all 3 of your coordinates as close to 0 as you can. Once they are close, you should be able to see the map again.

    I realize you've already figured it out, so this is mostly for anyone else who comes into this thread looking for an description. Most explanations out there are a bit vague, and I'm pretty well-versed in the pan cam, so I thought I would write something up to address the main issues people have to help just about anyone who wants to know.

    NUKEZILLA Ancient

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    i dont know wtf that is but it looks so bad @55. i want one

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