Very excited for this release. I've got to get to Wal-Mart to buy some MS points I too thought that foundry would be too small. I guess it was the screenshots they gave us earlier. ~Jakester1024
Can has Foundry ??? lol well they are like remakes, one is coag, one is hang em high, or tombston, and rats nest is like terminal kwl!!!
OK, you're right, you win. September 20 still felt like six days, hah. Or, more like sixty years... I'm interesting to see some sort of maze be built on Foundry; it's be awesome: divide into four teams of two, and have one teammate stand on a high platform overlooking the maze. Then, the other teammate must be guided through the maze. It'd be a cool way to develop trust and communication (not to mention tons of fun). You could make people invincible so that only assassinations can kill. Have a hill at the end, and whoever touches it first wins. Ah, these maps must come out soon!
Nice idea Lance, it had crossed my mind too a couple of days ago but I came to the conclusion that the item limit might be a little restrictive. Regardless it's worth a try, with the addition of something that stops people just running to the finish and winning once they learn the maze and get the right spawn. Anyway get to 100 posts and keep these ideas on the down low in the premium forum will ya dude? Lol
Hah, I wasn't even aware there was such a forum. And if you're joking I now feel very, very dumb. Actually, regardless, I feel stupid. I see what you're saying about learning the map. This made me think: what if you took out the invincibility and instead made it so that kills also give large amount of points. You would also need to make the Hill simply give points, instead of an automatic win. That way, some people could win by just killing everyone, another could win by manning the hill the longest. It would be hilariously hectic to see the spotters trying to warn the runners when they are about to come up to an enemy. Ooh, and you could give the spotters a weapon, as well, so that they could be included (something weak like a needler, not a sniper or BR). Hmm, how to work out spawns, though? Nobody likes "honor rules" games, because nobody has any honor. ;P
I am so excited for foundry, I plan on remaking Mid-Ship. If anyone would like to join me just PM me, i plan on doing it next weekend
If you took off invincibility it would... wait. I'm going to discuss this elsewhere. It's off-topic anyway. Lance, post 3 more times (I know you won't spam) and meet me in the palace of dreams.
I cant wait to play some good'ol Hide'n'Seek on The Rat's Nest! I also cant wait for the Creative Juices to flow on Foundry! I cant wait for some TS, CTF, Zombies, and of course WARTHOG WARS on Standoff! That stuff goes for the other stuff too! This is one storm I'm looking forward to!!!
...And I can see something awesome being made on Foundry anyways, rats nest isnt gonna be all racing (unless its a full circuit motor pool) Rats nest could be bigger than we think >_> (relating to Crows nest) with all of its mazes of passageways and tunnels.
foundry is going to be great for this community. competitively my edge is going to standoff just because its a return to blood gultch but smaller (which i prefer)
i'm going to break from the norm and attempt to come up with something on Rat's nest that's not racing, becuase i'm sure someone will get to my foundry ideas first.
well i'm too retarded to even try to be a guilder, the only thing i've done is made a giant floating series of crates on Last Resort which someone stole ..... but maybe i'll get something together worthy of guilder status on Rat's Nest or Standoff ....
Heroic Map Pack Layouts Foundry: Rats Nest:[img] Standoff: [img] Edit: for some reason standoff isn't showing, I don't know why, let me know if standoff is showing for you. If it's not working here's the link:
Pretty cool! I can't download them right away. I have to wait till my stepdad buys some Microsoft points.