****, i knew i forgot something.... lol i will show you previews, but you never seem to be on anymore, and when you are i'm off in MM, next time, i promise i will sushi.
School project, that was why. That and many other things. I've been busy the last three weeks, but NOT ANYMORE! I was on today but you weren't.
This map is great. I loved playing it during playtesting, and it still plays wonderfully now. A+ and I recommend anyone who hasn't yet downloaded this map needs to.
Very sexy switch. I love maps with a vertical feel to them, so you better believe I'll be downloading this.
OH EM GEE...Cmon Ivory...You've already earned yourself premium...leave the features to the nubs pl0x... That switch is ****ing sexy...gotta love new and original ideas =]
Looks amazing great interlocking and geomerging. Its clean and smooth. I dont see anything wrong with the map. Great layout. 7/5