MLG maps are getting unoriginal, I don't give 2 shits about 2 easily defendable bases, with a creamy center. I want something original, MLG, but original.
I spend a little bit of time around the MLG forums (they have some nice design concepts) and i noticed that our very own L0N3 S0LD13R made a topic asking what exactly an MLG map was...
So did I, but Gawd the people there are stupid, they think Halo was made with them in mind. But I don't understand why MLG maps are like that, what about underground bases(*cough*subway*cough*)? What about some good assyms(Blackout)?
You should check out some of the asymmetrical maps the have there like Hangout and Reverence. Both of those are excellent. The better forgers over there are moving towards asymmetric design and the gameplay is great, even for non-MLG gametypes.
to solve everyones problems i am currently working on a MLG map guide line on weapons, layouts and items that are used. its going into alot of detail so its taking awhile. But it should be done at the end of the week
ya i hate it iv seen a few worthy one but most just put mlg in it to get dl mlg is just a title with no meaning anymore in halo because everyone has the little mlg profile pic and such
MLG isn't all that bad. Although they do LAN during tournements so technically, there is no host so your second statement is incorrect. All MLG does is make it so that aiming, team communication, and team tactics are the most important thing. They try to take away as much luck as possible. Nemihara, you need to chill. Most MLG people are around 18 and are much better than they may appear. The youngest one is like 14 or 15. If you think they suck, get a team of four and try to beat final boss or str8 rippin to show MLG means nothing.
the ducks of Onyx were trying to challenge walshy to one game, i believe we gave up on it... but that has to be one of the best arguments on this thread, +rep.
I personally get really annoyed with MLG maps. They're cool and all, but I'd rather have fun then be all "Major League Gamer X-treme Competition" and all that ****. Yes, it's annoying when people make MLG maps that aren't "up to snuff", but I don't like MLG as a gametype at all. Just my opinion, no need to flame me (please).
I'm not a pro but I still play MLG. Its just another gametype. You dont have to be extremely competitive to play.
Dthen, I agree with you 100 percent. And also, Dimmest Bread, you're right. I like the gametype and all, but I guess what I'm saying is I don't like the MLG community. Too arrogant for me.
yeah I don't like the community either. I always post threads there saying how b****y they are being and they should really lay of bungie or just go play another game so they hate me with a passion. Yeah I dislike the community although some are nice and the pros are pretty nice. But yeah, if you just play it competitively, or in the playlist, you dont get to many a**holes.
You didn't offer an opinion you typed out a non-sensical post that made absolutely no sense where you misspelled at least five things and contradicted yourself. Then you attempt to rep me (you can't rep people with a red box) and write this: "givong rep based on ones oppinion of mlg" Jesus dude
Yeah, Darkdragon, -repping because of opinion is completely stupid. I got -repped because I complemented someone. Anyway, I think that MLG should just be a fun gametype for competitive play. I wish there weren't so many "8 year olds in Master Chief undies". (Thanks for the rep, Lightz. +Rep for you)