Very fun gametypes

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by DimmestBread, Jun 30, 2008.

  1. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    The story(if you don't want to read the story scroll down to view gametypes.)

    Me and 7 friends have a halo 3 LAN every saturday so I make mapes for it. They always try to break out and get into spots you aren't supposed to, and if they can't they go into theatre and forge and break out. So I sort of got annoyed when they would get out in theatre and start b****ing at me. I decided to make gametypes that are the opposite of what they are supposed to be to make them go WTF when they started playing. So here are the gametypes.

    WTF Oddball - Each team gets an oddball when they spawn. Try to take the other teams ball or make them drop it so you can win.
    WTF Oddball

    WTF King of the hill - The hill takes up the entire map except a portion the size of a normal hill. The objective is to stay out of the hill. -1 for being in the hill, +1 for being outside of the hill. First to 15. trust me, with a team of 4, someone is always out of the hill so it is difficult to go up at all.
    WTF King of the hill

    WTF Vip - Each team gets a VIP. VIP's proximity of influence is 25 meters. the traits are if you are 25 meters or closer to the VIP, youer shields will go down. Defend your VIP but you can't get close. First to 10.

    WTF Bomb - Each team gets a bomb. Both teams arm spots are in the middle of the map. You must take your bomb to the middle of the map and arm it while trying to kill the other teams bomb. First to 3. This is played with the multi bomb gametype.

    I am currently making a map for these gametypes (not on foundry) and It is coming out amazing.

    I thought I would show everyone these gametypes becasue they are very fun to play. I would like everybody to try to take these gametypes and make a map for them and have fun. Enjoy!
    #1 DimmestBread, Jun 30, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2008
  2. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    I actually had an idea for a gametype similar to the wtf oddball and wtf vip, but you beat me too it! These look pretty fun, you should post the downloads for them.
  3. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Links are now up.
  4. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I like the sound of WTF vip even though in MM nobody protects the vip really.
  5. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
    Senior Member

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    love the sound of wtf koth!

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