I am going to try to attempt my first MLG map, but I have some questions to make sure it will truly be MLG. Here are my questions: Are Combines, Battle Rifles, And Plasma Grenades all they use? Are shield doors ever used? And can they ever be Assymetrical. Please answer these questions, and I will begin working on the map. Here are some names I'd like you to choose from: (Please tell me if any of these names have already been used, please.(And Please tell me if you have any other ideas.)) Concave Exclusion Barren Petrification Isometric Colossol Intimidation Fortification Alliance
Read through this thread made by L0N3 S0LD13R (rofl) What does a MLG map take? - MLG Forums As for a name, those all sound pretty generic. Concave is cool though.
isometric is the most original one there. they can be asymmetric but are usually symmetrical. no sheild doors, "carbines", brs, plasma grenades, maulers, and frag grenades. use interlocking, and merging for anything that isnt flush with the wall. both the maps in my sig are examples of exeptable mlg style maps. even though crunch time has a plasma rifle, there have been discussions on the mlg forums about weather or not the plasma rifle should be added as a power weapon. so i added one to see how it would work
Crunch time is the worst map Ive ever seen!!! Jk, better then any of my maps so far. But if you want, I can post some pics on here of my progress so far.
I like the names. I think concave would be the coolest. You could make some kind of weird diamond-shaped map, with a cool looking aesthetic thing in the middle.