yes I completly agree but the only other thing im worried about is that its to open, and looks like the sniper is pretty much used the entire game. I would change the spawn time for the sniper
If I were you, I'd probably block of the back of the map. It looks a bit too open for me because of the back, but other than that, Great interlocking and sweet middle structure.
the interlocking on the map looks good but it seems way to open you could add alot of stuff so ya nice job
the infamous, "so ya nice job...." from jakattak lol thanks everyone, but i think its too open too, guess i shulda fixed that =]
Im a huge fan of your maps and this is probably goes in my top 3 favorite MLG style maps. The interlocking is great and I like the interlocked steps. 5/5 and a definate download and reccomendation to my friends.
i played the map, it was good. But something felt like it was missing? it was maybe a little to open? maybe have it more closed in. Well thats only my opinion and just what i think but 4/5
Looks good and the merging of the triangle in the middle is definitely interesting. Yet I cannot see this map being anything other than an awesome team snipers map. Still looks good and I like the symetry