I was playing Lone Wolves on Gaurdian, i was really bored so i picked up the plasma pistol, and this happened! Service Record:Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 Screenshots
That's pretty cool, but those kills get attributed to "melee" and not to the plasma pistol. But still, I've never done that.
That would be cool to see a melee-only matchmaking triple kill, and not with sword/hammer but just melee
hahaha. my friends always rag on me for using that gun till the end of the game then there like you got kill lead with a pp? haha i said pp
where would you upload it from youtube? i mean like do i need a recording device or are the clips you record in theatre mode good enough? how could you get those clips on youtube?
This is a pinnacle dazzle, the cheapest on the market, that I've seen. About $50 bucks, or $100 with editing software. It works, pretty good...er...great surprisingly...and I'm in no way disappointed, I am however disappointed with youtube, as I've tried to upload TGIF # 10 recap over 11 times, each time it has failed....IMA KILL YOU YOUTUBE!!!
wow thats cool however, they were melees but a triple is good. i don think i have ever seen someone die from a plasma pistol tho
a pp is a dangerous gun.. well done for gettin a tripple kill, a vid would b great and we could name and shame the ppl u killed.. good job