Crossfire MLG Crossfire is a well balanced, symmetrical map that will work with ALL gametypes and playing styles such as MLG and Normal. ______________________________ Weapons placed on map: 6x BR's 6x Plasma grenades 6x Frag grenades 4x Carbine's 1x Sniper rifle 1x Rocket launcher 1xMongoose ______________________________ Defenders side: 4x Plasma grenades 2x BR's 2x Carbines 4x Fragrenades 1xSniper rifle ______________________________ Attackers side: 4xBR's 2xCarines 1x Rocket launcher 1x Mongoose ______________________________ Pics basic overview Defender's BR right side Defenders BR left side Sniper bridge right Sniper bridge left Sniper, Rockets, and mongoose(view through structure) Attacker's BR tower left Attacker's BR tower right Defender's Carbine tunnel left Defenders Carbine tunnel right Both side's tunnels are the same so i didnt do pics or the attackers Attacker's mongoose and rockets ______________________________ Action shots Fighting under the bridge In the middle(thats me with the sniper up on the structure) pwned from the back He shot my rocket..... tooooo close My last shot........ In another game, MOSH PIT! ______________________________ Link to da map Here
I like the merging and interlocking. I also like the '8' thing in the middle. But I think the map could have been made a little more aesthetic by interlocking the corner walls in the '8'. 4/5
the diamond thing is sweet. however the map is very open. this is probably because you wanted room for the atv to drive around in. the only problem is there are no vehicles at all in mlg.
really? ok well yea i originally had things in the open spaces, but i played with a couple friends and he said "Its pretty cool, but sometimes felt like i was bumping into random objects," and i also did it for the mongoose. it is also fun to drive the mongoose right through the middle structure
Hey this is a very cool map, and i like teh structure but it seems to be a tad bit off, however its not that noticable and i wouldn't change it, it could be ALOT worse, i do like your geo merging also, and the interlocking is pretty good, nice bases all-over this map is pretty well rounded, nice job
very neat, but MLG inst casual. if you ad a few more things, more senery, walkways, more of a map basically, and maybe delete the middle walls in the air, and it could be a competetive map. im not saying forget this one, just that you could make a different variant. nice job! 4/5
thank you, i accidentally put this in casual, i clicked it to see a casual map i liked and forgot, then i posted my map
I really wouldn't consider this ideal for mlg, and you probably don't have all the official weapon settings correct since you have a mongoose. I think slayer would be more fun.
i think in the original post u said it was asymmetrical. this is a symmetrical map. the a is a negative prefix so it would mean it wasn't symmetrical
so ill change the name, ive played most gametypes except for like juggernaut and infection but it is really fun all the same
Ya I think your diamond thing looks pretty cool in the center there- you are the guy who made all of those cool switches I liked. I guess I have to give you a 5/5 then =)
looks very nice and welly interlocked. good job! i like the center with the 2 dimond shape things. nice!
MLG Maps do not have mongooses, A sniper and rockets is too much for this map Looks a little sloppy v2?- yup needs some help, otherwise its not very good Capture Out!