Here is a quickly revised version of Alone with these changes: Bridges are now interlocked into boxes Swords are not accessible Weapons revised Old pictures will be deleted and new ones added Hello forge hub I am new here and this is my first ever created forge map and first ever post which was recently made. I am hoping for some constructive criticism on anything you feel I could improve on. Alone is a competitive map that supports capture the flag and slayer games. The game play is very fast and entertaining. Each base is exactly the same containing the same weapons, grenades, and structure. Once again I am asking for your comments including what you like about the map, dislike, what needs improvement, and any other things including the quality of my post and the format. Enjoy!! DOWNLOAD
Nice interlocking. I would however, use a trick that I didn't know about till just, by merging bridges with boxes by using two dumpsters on their side. I didn't know that for my map, oops. Also, I think the turrets and swords are just a tad excessive, especially seeing as almost every player could nab a sword by the looks. apart from that, nice layout used with the bases and boxes =]
I agree with what he said, your map is nice, but the bridges need to be turned upside down, and there are a bit too many power weapons IF the swords are accesable which they dont look like, but if someone does figure out how to get them it would be bad. One last thing: Could you get a picture of the ground in the middle, it looks as if shield doors are there but i cant tell, cool idea
This map has a different layout from what I have seen. There too many gravity lifts and man cannons but I'm sure it works fine for the map. Is it possible to get the swords? I can see that the turrets are now going to be too overpowering as there is a lot of cover for other players. Nice interlocking, nice map.
looks quite small but still nice interlocking and whats with all the swords on the top but still good so ya nice job
I have just found that the swords are reachable and i will change that and i will take most of the power weapons off. Actually i will make it so the swords are not accessable Thank you for the advice
Well, I was told that to merge a bridge in to be smooth you do the following. Plus, turn the bridges upside down =]
He means that you put the dumpsters on one of their ends. Like this: [ ] [ ] Not like this: [ ][ ] Basically taller, but skinnier. You put the bridge upside-down on top of the dumpster after that. Hope I've helped. And also, if you have to answer a bunch of questions by posting, don't double post, or triple post like you did earlier, just edit your first post so that it answers all three questions in that one post. Mods don't like it when you double or triple post.
Seeing as this is your first map, I like to take a look at new peoples maps and give a review and tips for later forging use, I'll dl it and post later on what I like and what I don't like.
This is a very good map to be your first! I like the interlocking and I look forward to a v2. Sorry m Q list is full right now but I will try to download it tomorrow. I think it's worth 4/5
Seems like a lot o swords to put in one place, and the map looks pretty confident so I would consider lower the amount of swords to 1 or replace for a gravity hammer on a weapon holder. On the holder it turns side ways so it's easily accessed when flying over top the fence wall. I would also suggest adding more of a description. Pictures only tell you so much about a map.
You could also put a box on its side and you get the same result, at least for me, Ive gotton the same result and its much easier.