
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Poztar, Jan 16, 2008.


How do you feel about abortion?

  1. It's good, and I am pro-choice.

    0 vote(s)
  2. I don't like it, and I am pro-life.

    0 vote(s)
  3. What's an abortion?

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  1. Poztar

    Poztar Ancient
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    Oh! Well then, nevermind. Diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks I guess.
  2. Soggydoughnuts

    Soggydoughnuts Ancient
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    Well I am kind of both. I mean the person should have the choice, however I do not believe it is correct to kill an unborn fetus if it does or doesn't know it. It is still killing a human life that would have been. I understand how there are certain cases where it is necessary, however those are the only time I believe it should be used.

  3. Trickmyster

    Trickmyster Ancient
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    I know first hand and I am pro choice 100 percent, can't imagine what I would be like today if she wasn't aswell.
  4. Poztar

    Poztar Ancient
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    Sounds scary Trick. Glad to hear that she was so accepting about it, that could have been disastrous.
  5. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    My girl had to have an abortion when i was 16. It really sucked... but it had to be done. The child's life would have been really crappy...

    pro-choice by experience... but im sorta on the fence on the morality of it...

    this should be locked, there are mostly young kids on this forum who dont know what they are talking about and a serious topic like this could get kinda messy.
  6. Ty

    Ty Guest

    First of all, I must say this. It'sa scientific fact that a girl must be "aroused" to get pregnant, so if she was really honestly and truly raped, she CAN'T get pregnant.

    Abortion is just the wuss' way out for not being able to take care of a mistake that they made. I mean you could be like my step-sister and have the baby and just give it to your parents. Or better this, why not just carry the baby to term and give it up for adoption, there is hundreds of people who can't have babies that desperately want them. Don't kill something because that seems to be the easy way out. that is all.
  7. Klink258

    Klink258 Ancient
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    I really don't feel comfortable talking about stuff like this in a forum, but here it goes...
    Abortions for pregnant rape victims? Hells yes.
    Abortions for girls who got pregnant by accident and would be unable to take care of the baby in a loving, nurturing, proper environment? Yes.
    Abortions for prevention? "Whatever, it's okay that you didn't pull out, I'll just stop by the abortion clinic in a month." NONONONO. :squirrel_nono:
    I don't think anyone can say whether or not the fetus/baby/person is aware at that point...
    But people should leave religion out of it.
    "Abortions are sacreligious!"
    Okay, so don't get abortions then. Leave the state out of it.
    I must have fallen asleep in health class when we went over this. :squirrel_wtf: Since when is this true?
  8. Ty

    Ty Guest

    Look it up, a woman has to be "aroused" to release the egg, that's what gets the process started. My wife is a Biology major, I'm pretty sure she knows what she's talking about.
  9. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    It's called Ovulation, and it has nothing to do with 'arousal'. If that were indeed the case, there would be far too few pregnancies and the term 'fake orgasm' would never have been...
    Maybe you misunderstood your wife.
  10. Ty

    Ty Guest

    ok first of all, "arousal" doesn't necessarily refer to orgasm ..... but wtv, i'm not having this conversation anymore .....

    who started this thread anyway?
  11. Klink258

    Klink258 Ancient
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    The point is that no matter what, it is not the rape victims fault.
    Maybe we misunderstood what you meant.
  12. shaba_levi

    shaba_levi Ancient
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    he wouldnt have any need to like it or dislike it because he wouldnt be alive, thus removing this question from ever being asked..therefore, your question has no bearing in whether or not abortion is good or bad

    IMO, children who are born as "mistakes" wind up living a sh*t life in foster care and wind up ruining it anyway, most commit suicide or get f*cked up on drugs... im for abortion.. the fetus is not self-sustaining for the first 23 weeks, it is a parasite and cannot breathe on its own. Abortion is a far cry away from "killing human beings"
  13. shaba_levi

    shaba_levi Ancient
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    there are so many things wrong in your post i dont know where to start.. First off, "arousal" has nothing to do with it.
    2nd, you make your point in the first sentance "mistake," how would you spend your life if you knew your life was just a mistake anyway? Knowing your parents dont care about you and just threw you out for your grandparents? What if the grandparents dont want the child?
    3rd, Adoption isnt just some miracle you can choose anytime you want..adoption takes money, and consent forms..what if one partner doesnt want to pay, or doesnt have enough money? In most cases, the child put up for adoption just runs away from the foster parents anyway.
    Abortion is not an "easy" way out, in most cases, it is the ONLY way...
    and if you want to put a child through ^ that much pain and labor and suffering through their life just because it doesnt make you looke like a "wuss," then you have more problems than dealing with abortion..

    I suggest this topic be LOCKED before it gets out of hand....
  14. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    wow after seeing some of these posts this topic should get locked. like now. i dont even want to be a part of this.
  15. Ty

    Ty Guest

    Don't even get me started on what's wrong with your post.
    Abortion costs money too the last time I checked, not to mention the possible medical problems the mother has to after the procedure.
    Your post sounds like you where mad at your parents for having you or something ... wtf? I just simply stated that people need to learn to deal with things if they weren't smart enough to prevent it in the first place.
    but as everyone has said .... why is this thread still open?
  16. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    ~Locked upon popular request

    The majority of FH, and halo's community for that matter, isn't mature enough for this touchy subject.
  17. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    I'm glad to see people starting to take interest in political topics. I'm going to write up rules for debates, so that we can have a smoother, less hurtful discussion. Remember, hurt your opponent's arguement. If you hurt that person, sexuality jokes and such, it is just a flame and in no way helps get your point across.

    Always, always listen to your grandparents.
  18. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Alright, I will start the this post by stating my bias. I am a Christian, (Church of Christ) and I go to a private Christian school. This has shaped my thinking and I have never been in a circumstance where I have had to deal with this issue. I will try to leave out my emotions and religious views as much as possible. I will however let you guys now what I think every step of the way.

    First Issue = Purpose of Sex (* represents a defined term)

    Anyways I guess I start this topic off in the months prior to conception. I believe it is important to understand what the purpose of sex is. In many ways sex has the wrong image in America and much of the world. The purpose of sex is to reproduce viable* offspring. Animals have sex to reproduce when their biological clocks** tell them it is time to produce more offspring to continue the species. In the case of humans, sex physically feels wonderful. But why is there a difference in physical sense between animals and humans? Keep reading!

    *(viable simply means that the next generation of organism can successfully reproduce)
    **(biological clocks are within the animals brain that let them know when to do things like hibernate or to migrate south, etc..)

    My opinion:
    Sex was designed by God for the purposes of reproducing, however he made sex feel very good in humans. Let's face it, if sex didn't feel good then there would be no incentive for women to have children, because birthing really hurts. (I was 10 pds. 1 oz. try giving birth to me!)

    Some other opinions might be that evolution has caused this physical sense or that it just is the way it is. I just want to let you guys know the real purpose of sex

    Second issue = You did the dirty deed (* represents a defined term)

    Now here comes the part of morality. Is it wrong to have sex outside the sanctity* of marriage? Well you can have different points of view on this and there is no logical argument that can play out here. So I’ll just be brief in my views.

    My opinion:
    Wait until you are married as it says in the Bible. There is no real reason to have sex until you are married. I mean if the purpose of sex is to produce offspring then why would you engage jeopardize the life of the child by not being prepared for children? If you wait until you are married, then at that point you will have discussed children and will have planned ahead accordingly on whether or not you can support a family. Having sex outside of marriage is a selfish act in that you are not saving your sexual purity for your spouse. My point is that people will have sex even though they what the consequences are, which is rather idiotic. I will never drive drunk since I now that I could kill someone if I did it, in fact I won’t ever drink. The same logic applies to sex, you won’t have to worry about killing your fetus and you won’t have to worry about STD’s.

    *(sanctity – in this case that something has been set apart, or that it is holy)

    Third Issue = Conception

    At this point the sperm and egg have come together and the genetic material are now forming the next generation. Well the next question here is when does life begin?

    The cells are alive of course, but that is not a satisfactory answer to when human life begins. Maybe we can help answer this puzzler with when are we officially dead? Well medically we are pronounced dead when our brain stops sending electrical impulses. Well fetus’s start having brain impulses at around sixteen weeks. So is that to say that is when life begins? The cells that make up the fetus are most certainly alive and developing. It all depends on your value system of life. Is life precious or is your quality of life more important?

    My opinion:
    I personally believe that life begins at conception. When those two cells come together they will have all the genetic material they need to make you, well you.

    Fourth Issue: What and how are you actually aborting?

    The latest you can legally abort a fetus is at the third trimester. At this point in development, the fetus has formed a brain and has a body. A third trimester fetus looks much like a miniature baby doll. However most abortions take place before the third trimester. Anyways during an abortion the pregnant woman lies on an examination table and has the “contents� of her cervix sucked out by a vacuum. I will not be anymore graphic, but this makes my stomach turn, several times over.

    My opinion:
    As far as the third trimester is concerned, I believe that that is murder and there is no justification for it. A life is priceless and there is no need to remove that life.

    Fifth Issue: Options?

    What are the options that pregnant women have to choose from? Well there is adoption. However, the pregnant woman can grow attached to the child and actually want to keep the child when she has already signed adoption papers. Adoption also costs money, in this world of government intervention and lawyers; everyone wants a piece of the pie, a sad fact of reality. There is also foster care in which a child can be placed up for adoption at the cost of the state. Another option is for the mom to keep the child and raise him/her with financial assistance from the government. Remember abortions also cost money, out of your tax dollars.

    My opinion:
    I think that the best solution is to put the child up for adoption. That way the child may live and be placed in a good home. Foster Care can be very complicated and detrimental to the child in some instances, but it is an alternative.

    Sixth Issue = Grey Matters, the hot topics

    What about women who have been raped? Well there are shots that women can take shortly after being raped that prevent the egg and sperm from ever coming in contact. That means that conception never takes place. What if a woman waits to long to get a shot and conception does occur? At this point I am still formulating a fair opinion on this matter. I know that I would tell someone else to have the child, but if my sister were raped then I could never look at the child I would want to kill it knowing that it shares characteristics with the father.

    What if the woman will die in childbirth? This again depends on your value system of human worth. It all depends on your morality.

    My opinion:
    I do not think that it is acceptable to abort a fetus based on financial status or age. If you made a mistake then it is not a punishment to have the child, but rather an opportunity to turn your life around and be an adult.

    Final opinion:

    - Keep it in your pants skippy! This way you don’t have to worry about having to deal with this issue.
    - The value of life is infinite.
    - No one person is more valuable than anyone else.
    - While I do not agree with abortion, it is far better for abortion to be taken place in clinics instead in a hotel with a coathanger.

    I tried to cover everything, but I am sure that I missed something. Remember this is only my opinion and you don't have to agree with it.
  19. Trickmyster

    Trickmyster Ancient
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    Don't post in locked topics rusty, unless you have too
  20. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    I'm sorry but I had to get that off my chest, I hope you understand...
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